RERTR-2022 International Meeting
Vienna, Austria — October 2-5, 2022
Available Presentations
Presentations from the RERTR-2022 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors are provided below.
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# | Title | Presenter | Affiliation | Topic |
Welcome to the IAEA and RERTR-2022 International Meeting: A World of Progress and Reopening | Amb. L. Holgate DDG M. Chudakov V. Gnyrya J. Chamberlin |
S1-P1 | IAEA Programs HEU Minimization, Research Reactor Projects, Fuel Return Program | J. Dewes | IAEA | HEU Minimization Programs |
S1-P2 | HEU Minimization in Japan | M. Sato | MEXT/Japan | HEU Minimization Programs |
S1-P3 | Fireside Chat: Offices of Conversion and Nuclear Material Removal | C. Landers T. Blanchard-Case |
NNSA/US | HEU Minimization Programs |
S1-P4 | Proliferation Resistance Optimization (PRO-X) Overview | A. Meehan | NNSA/US | HEU Minimization Programs |
S2-P1 | Subcritical Experiment Using U-7Mo LEU Fuel at KUCA Facility [posted:
Oct. 04, 2022] View Paper |
H. Unesaki | Kyoto University/ Japan |
Proliferation Resistance Now and for the Future |
S2-P2 | Present Status of UTR-KINKI and Preliminary Feasibility Study on its Future Conversion to Low-Enriched Fuel [posted: Oct. 04, 2022] | G. Wakabayashi | Kindai/Japan | Proliferation Resistance Now and for the Future |
S2-P3 | Nigeria Research Reactor-2 (NIRR-2) Project Perspectives on Proliferation Resistance [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | S. Jonah | CERT/Nigeria | Proliferation Resistance Now and for the Future |
S2-P4 | INVAP Perspectives and Initiatives for Proliferation Resistance as Research Reactors Designer [posted:
Oct. 04, 2022] View Paper |
D. Ferraro | INVAP/ Argentina |
Proliferation Resistance Now and for the Future |
S2-P5 | IAEA Support to New Research Reactor Progammes: Planning for Sustained Utilization [posted: Oct. 04, 2022] | N. Barradas | IAEA | Proliferation Resistance Now and for the Future |
S3-P1 | Integration of Fuel Testing and Fabrication Efforts to Support Regulatory Qualification of LEU U-10Mo Monolithic Fuel | J.I. Cole | INL/US | Panel: Qualification and Fabrication of Sustainable Fuel |
S3-P2 | Overview of Research Reactor Fuel Development at KAERI [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | J.M. Park | KAERI/Korea | Panel: Qualification and Fabrication of Sustainable Fuel |
S3-P3 | Framatome CERCATM sustainability of LEU fuel fabrication [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | D. Geslin | CERCA/France | Panel: Qualification and Fabrication of Sustainable Fuel |
S3-P4 | Facilitated discussion among the three panelists to inject interplay of fuel fab constraints and QC and relationship to fuel qualification campaigns | Panel: Qualification and Fabrication of Sustainable Fuel | ||
S4-P1 | Licensing Process of a New Fuel Type Element in Poland on an Example of the Experimental Fuel Element for Samples Irradiation in the Fast Neutron Spectrum [posted:
Oct. 05, 2022] View Paper |
M. Lipka | NCBJ/Poland | Fuel Qualification and Irradiation Campaigns |
S4-P2 | Developments of High-density Atomized U3Si2 Fuel Plates in KAERI [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | T.W. Cho | KAERI/Korea | Fuel Qualification and Irradiation Campaigns |
S4-P3 | Update of Fuel Meat Swelling Determination of Coated-(U-7Mo)/Al Dispersion Fuel from EMPIrE [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | B. Ye | ANL/US | Fuel Qualification and Irradiation Campaigns |
S4-P4 | New Results from the Scanning Electron Microscopy Characterization of Fuel Plates Irradiated in the EMPIrE Irradiation Experiment [posted:
Nov. 09, 2022] View Paper |
D. Keiser | INL/US | Fuel Qualification and Irradiation Campaigns |
S4-P5 | Post-irradiation Optical Microscopy, Chemical Burn-up Analysis, and Blister Threshold Testing of the MP-1 Irradiation Experiment | A. Robinson | INL/US | Fuel Qualification and Irradiation Campaigns |
S4-P6 | Design of the University of Missouri Design Demonstration Element Test for Irradiation in the Advanced Test Reactor [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | I. Glagolenko | INL/US | Fuel Qualification and Irradiation Campaigns |
S5-P1 | Status and Plans of U.S. U-10Mo Fuel Fabrication | C. Lavender | PNNL/US | Fuel Fabrication Challenges and Advances |
S5-P2 | USHPRR HFIR Silicide Fabrication Update [posted:
Oct. 05, 2022] View Papers: A Robust Processing Approach for Producing Highly Loaded Dispersion Fuels Forming Complex Nuclear Fuel Shapes in High-Loaded Silicide Surrogates |
Z. Huber | PNNL/US | Fuel Fabrication Challenges and Advances |
S5-P3 | USHPRR Critical Characteristics [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | P.T. Gee | PNNL/US | Fuel Fabrication Challenges and Advances |
S5-P4 | U-Mo Bare Foil Rolling Progress for FRM II Conversion [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | K. Buducan | TUM/Germany | Fuel Fabrication Challenges and Advances |
S6-P1 | Fuel Plate Cladding Thickness Estimation Thanks to Acoustic Microscopy [posted:
Oct. 05, 2022] View Paper |
A. Megzari | U. Montpellier/ France |
Poster Session |
S6-P2 | Effect of Heat Treatments on the Irradiation Behavior of Monolithic U-Mo Fuels [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | J.-F. Jue | INL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P3 | Development of Technology for Manufacturing of Dispersion Type Targets for Fission Mo-99 Production [posted: Oct. 27, 2022] | L. Olivares | CCHEN/Chile | Poster Session |
S6-P4 | The HANARO Irradiation Test of Coated U-7Mo/Al-5Si Mini-plates | Y.J. Jeong | KAERI/Korea | Poster Session |
S6-P5 | Identification and Assessment of the Hazards in a Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility with LEU | H. Elsayed | EAEA/Egypt | Poster Session |
S6-P6 | Recent Developments in PLTEMP/ANL V4.3 Code for Research Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Analysis [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | J. Licht | ANL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P7 | The STAT7 V1.1 Code for Statistical Propagation of Uncertainties in Steady-State Thermal Hydraulics Analysis of Research Reactors [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | E. Wilson | ANL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P8 | Low Enriched Nuclear Fuel Based on Uranium-Zirconium Carbon-Nitride: Reactor Tests and Post-Reactor Studies [posted:
Oct. 05, 2022] View Paper |
S.N. Sikorin | JIPNR-Sosny/ Belarus |
Poster Session |
S6-P9 | USHPRR MP-1 Irradiation Test: Assessment of Edge Pitting and Bond Line Corrosion in Vendor Produced Fuel Plates [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | J. Giglio | INL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P10 | Non-destructive Post-Irradiation Examination and Fuel Swelling Analysis of the MP-1 Irradiation Experiment [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | A. Robinson | INL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P11 | Assessment of Critical Data for Qualification of U-10Mo Monolithic Fuel [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | W. Hanson | INL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P12 | Fabrication Process Research and Development to Support HFIR LEU Silicide [posted: Oct. 11, 2022] | Z. Huber | PNNL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P13 | Modeling of Thermal Conductivity in a Uranium Silicide Dispersion Fuel to Support Conversion of HFIR to LEU Fuels [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | C. Lavender | PNNL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P14 | Modeling Insights in Forming and Rolling Complex Geometries of Highly Loaded Uranium Silicide Dispersion Fuels [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | C. Lavender | PNNL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P15 | Recent Progress in U-10Mo Mechanical and Thermophysical Property Characterization [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | J. Schulthess | INL/US | Poster Session |
S6-P16 | Fine Mapping of the Power Density Distribution of MTR Fuel Using Gamma Spectroscopy [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | G. Gabrieli | SNRC/Israel | Poster Session |
S6-P17 | About the Limits of Optical Microscopy Measurement for Al-Fuel Cladding Thickness [posted: Oct. 06, 2022 ] View Paper | B. Stepnik | Framatome/ France |
Poster Session |
S6-P18 | PRO-X Auxiliary Capabilities: Balancing Performance & Proliferation for Research Reactor Products | M.A. Brown | ANL/US | Poster Session |
S7-P1 | U.S. High Performance Research Reactor LEU Conversion Design, Testing and Fabrication Progress | E. Wilson | ANL/US | U.S. High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S7-P2 | High Flux Isotope Reactor Low-Enriched Uranium Conversion Activities – 2022 Status Update [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | C. Sizemore | ORNL/US | U.S. High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S7-P3 | Alternative HEU-LEU Mixed Core Transition Strategy for the MIT Research Reactor | L.-W. Hu | MIT/US | U.S. High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S7-P4 | A Progress Update on the Highly Enriched Uranium to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Conversion at the University of Missouri Research Reactor [posted: Nov. 30, 2022] | M. Pinilla | MU/US | U.S. High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S7-P5 | Analysis Methods for Lead Test Assemblies in the Advanced Test Reactor [posted: Oct. 05, 2022] | C. Clark | INL/US | U.S. High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S7-P6 | NIST Neutron Source Preconceptual Design [posted:
Oct. 05, 2022] View Paper |
D. Sahin | NIST/US | U.S. High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S8-P1 | Packaging of Critical Assembly Fuel Materials for Shipment in the ES-3100 [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | T. Andes | CNS Y-12/US | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S8-P2 | The Role of Nuclear Criticality Safety in Enabling the Transport of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) (and Other Fissile Materials) to Support Global Strategic Removal Projects [posted:
Oct. 06, 2022] View Paper |
C. Davis | NTS/UK | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S8-P3 | Mobile Packaging Program Overview | J. Smith | NNSA/US | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S8-P4 | Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority Experience on NIRR-1 Core Conversion from HEU to LEU Fuel [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | G. Omeje | NNRA/Nigeria | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S9-P1 | Acceptance Test of WCTC with LEU Fuel at the IVG.1M Research Reactor Site in Kazakhstan [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | I. Bolshinsky | INL/US | International Reactor Conversion Progress and Partnerships |
S9-P2 | First Steps for the Optimization of Experimental Facilities at FRM II during Conversion [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | D. Bonete-Wiese | TUM/Germany | International Reactor Conversion Progress and Partnerships |
S9-P3 | RELAP5 Safety Analyses in Support of the BR2 COBRA Lead Test Assembly Irradiation [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | F. Wols | SCK-CEN/ Belgium |
International Reactor Conversion Progress and Partnerships |
S9-P4 | Benchmark between the MAIA and DART Fuel Performance Codes on the E-FUTURE U-Mo/Al Dispersion Fuel Test [posted:
Oct. 06, 2022] View Paper |
S. Valance | CEA/France | International Reactor Conversion Progress and Partnerships |
S9-P5 | Water Channel Thickness Estimation through High Frequency Ultrasonic Measurements [posted:
Oct. 06, 2022] View Paper |
R. Mrabti | U. Montpellier/ France |
International Reactor Conversion Progress and Partnerships |
S10-P1 | Identification of Relevant Parameters for the Structural Analysis of an Involute LEU Fuel Plate | A. Bergeron | ANL/US | Design and Analysis Methods |
S10-P2 | First Steps Towards the Development of a Tool for Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Propagation Studies for Steady-State Thermal-Hydraulic Simulations of Research Reactors [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | R. Schönecker | TUM/Germany | Design and Analysis Methods |
S10-P3 | Improvements to Thermal-Hydraulics Models and Methods for MTR-Type Reactors [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | M. Nasso | INVAP/ Argentina |
Design and Analysis Methods |
S10-P4 | Neutronic Simulation of Curved Fuel Plate with Flat Plate Geometry [posted:
Oct. 06, 2022] View Paper |
L.-Y. Cheng | BNL/US | Design and Analysis Methods |
S10-P5 | Process Modeling of U-10Mo and U3Si2 Using Integrated Computational Materials Engineering | C. Lavender | PNNL/US | Design and Analysis Methods |
S11-P1 | Physical Start-up of IVG.1M Reactor with Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | I.V. Prozorova | NNC/ Kazakhstan |
Licensing and Conversion Reactor Experience |
S11-P2 | Six-Year Experience of the WWR-K Reactor Operation with LEU Fuel [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | A. Shaimerdenov | INP/ Kazakhstan |
Licensing and Conversion Reactor Experience |
S11-P3 | Practical Application of LEU Fuel for NIRR-1 Safe Operation [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | K.J. Adedoyin | NNRA/Nigeria | Licensing and Conversion Reactor Experience |
S11-P4 | Utilization and Operation of the Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor after Full Core Conversion [posted: Oct. 06, 2022] | K.C. Nguyen | VINATOM/ Vietnam |
Licensing and Conversion Reactor Experience |
List last updated Feb. 13, 2023 |
Please address inquiries about the RERTR-2022 technical program to the Meeting organizer, John Holland.
Last Modified: Tue, October 4, 2022 12:23 PM