RERTR-2018 International Meeting
Nov. 4-7, 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland
Available Abstracts and Papers
The available abstracts and/or papers that were presented at the “39th RERTR 2018 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors” are provided below.
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# | Paper/Presentation Title | Presenter | Affiliation | Topic |
Welcome to Edinburgh and the RERTR-2018 International Meeting | John Stevens | ANL | Plenary Session | |
S1-P1 | Welcome Remarks | Brent Park | DOE-NNSA | Global Progress in HEU Minimization |
S1-P2 | HEU Minimization, An International Collaboration | Peter Hanlon | DOE-NNSA | Global Progress in HEU Minimization |
S1-P3 | Conversion of Nigeria's MNSR and Lessons
Learned from Operator Perspective Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Sunday Jonah | CERT | Global Progress in HEU Minimization |
S1-P4 | Status of U-Mo Qualification Program and
KJRR Project in Korea Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Sangik Wu | KAERI | Global Progress in HEU Minimization |
S2-P1 | Status of Ghana's MNSR; One Year after Conversion to LEU | Henry Odoi | GAEC | LEU Conversion and HEU Removal Operations – Lessons Learned |
S2-P2 | Conversion Project of the WWR-K Research
Reactor: Summary of Activities Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Asset Shaimerdenov | KZ-INP | LEU Conversion and HEU Removal Operations – Lessons Learned |
S2-P3 | Preparations for Shipment of Irradiated HEU Nuclear Fuel from Nigeria to China Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
John Dewes | INL | LEU Conversion and HEU Removal Operations – Lessons Learned |
S2-P4 | When the Party Ends: Maintaining Support for
Reactor Conversion in Challenging Times Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Miles Pomper | James Martin Center | LEU Conversion and HEU Removal Operations – Lessons Learned |
S3-P1 | Preliminary Uranium Manufacturing Studies of the KUCA LEU Conversion Fuels Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Jerome Allenou | Framatome - CERCA™ | LEU Fuel Design |
S3-P2 | US High Performance Research Reactor
Preliminary Design Milestone for Conversion to
Low Enriched Uranium Fuel Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Erik Wilson | ANL | LEU Fuel Design |
S3-P3 | Progress of Transient Reactor Test Facility
(TREAT) Low Enriched Uranium (LEU)
Conversion Paper[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Buddy Hartman | INL | LEU Fuel Design |
S3-P4 | Smallest Thinkable LEU Elements for FRM II with Most Progressive and Also Most Conservative Fuel Options Abstract[posted: Dec. 04, 2018 ] |
Anton Rohrmoser | FRM II | LEU Fuel Design |
S3-P5 | Current Status of the DNRR and Conceptual Design of New Research Reactor Using LEU Fuels with High Power and Multi-Purpose Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Kien Cuong Nguyen | VINATOM | LEU Fuel Design |
S4-P1 | U-Mo Monolithic Fuel Qualification for US High
Performance Research Reactors Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
James Cole | INL | LEU Fuel Qualification |
S4-P2 | Progress of Mini-Plate Irradiation Testing for UMo
Monolithic Fuel Qualification Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Margaret Marshall | INL | LEU Fuel Qualification |
S4-P3 | Qualification of HANARO Fuel at KAERI Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Jong Man Park | KAERI | LEU Fuel Qualification |
S4-P4 | Preliminary Results of Qualification Tests for LEU Fuel for Research Reactors IVG.1M and
IGR of the National Nuclear Center of the
Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Alexandr Vurim | IAE-NNC | LEU Fuel Qualification |
S4-P5 | IAEA Activities on the Safety of Research
Reactors: 2018 Update Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
David Sears | IAEA | LEU Fuel Qualification |
S5-P1 | CERCA™ Building the Future Investment in
Fabrication Facility Upgrade for Long Term
Security of Supply Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Yann Guinard | Framatome - CERCA™ | Fuel Fabrication Technology I |
S5-P2 | USHPRR Fuel Fabrication Pillar Fabrication
Status, Process Optimizations and Future Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] Plans |
Jared Wight | PNNL | Fuel Fabrication Technology I |
S5-P3 | Analysis of U-10Mo Fuel Plate Fabrication Data | Curt Lavender | PNNL | Fuel Fabrication Technology I |
S5-P4 | Production of Surrogate Fuel Plates with
Monolithic Gradient Foils Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Bruno Baumeister | FRM II | Fuel Fabrication Technology I |
S5-P5 | Recent Progress on the MIT Research Reactor (MITR) Conversion from Highly Enriched Uranium to Low Enriched Uranium Fuel | Lin-Wen Hu | MIT |
High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S6-P1 | Conversion Status of the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor from Highly
Enriched to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Les Foyto | MURR | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S6-P2 | Activities in Support of Conversion of the NBSR to LEU Fuel Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Tom Newton | NIST | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S6-P3 | Continuing LEU Conversion Activities at the
High Flux Isotope Reactor Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
David Renfro | ORNL | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S6-P4 | Status on the ATR LEU Conversion and
Insertion of Lead Test Elements Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Eric Woolstenhulme / Kyle Metzroth | INL / MPR | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S7-P1 | USHPRR Fuel Fabrication Pillar MP-1 Process
Improvements and Future Plans Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Bruce Nielson | INL | Fuel Fabrication Technology II |
S7-P2 | Silicide Fuel Plate Manufacturing at BWX
Technologies Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Mike Nilles | BWXT | Fuel Fabrication Technology II |
S7-P3 | CERCA™'s 40 Years' Experience in U3Si2 Fuel
Manufacturing Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Bertrand Stepnik | Framatome - CERCA™ | Fuel Fabrication Technology II |
S7-P4 | Development of an Efficient Mechanical
Performance Model for U-Mo/Al Dispersion
Fuel Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Latif Yacout | ANL | Fuel Fabrication Technology II |
S7-P5 | Research Reactors Back-End Operations:
Growing Needs and Available Services Paper[posted: Nov. 15, 2018] |
Vanessa Vo Van | Orano Cycle | Fuel Fabrication Technology II |
S8-P1 | National Scientific User Facility Irradiation
Capabilities at the Idaho National Laboratory Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Joe Nielsen | INL | Utilizing Reactor Consortia |
S8-P2 | Progress Update in Advanced Materials and
Instrumentation Irradiation Tests at the MIT
Research Reactor Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Lin-Wen Hu | MIT | Utilizing Reactor Consortia |
S8-P3 | IAEA Designated International Centres based
on Research Reactors (ICERRs) Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Tom Hanlon | IAEA | Utilizing Reactor Consortia |
S8-P4 | On the Utilization of Research Reactors at
Kyoto University and Kindai University, Japan Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Hironobu Unesaki | Kyoto University | Utilizing Reactor Consortia |
S8-P5 | TN® Lab – A New Multimodal High Activity
Radionuclide Transport Cask Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Renaud Le Blevennec | Orano TN | Utilizing Reactor Consortia |
S9-P1 | Results of the MP-1 Low and Medium Power
Experiment Fabrication at BWX Technologies |
Gunes Argon | BWXT | Poster Session |
S9-P2 | Surface Characterization of As-Produced and
Oxidized UMo Atomized Powder Paper[posted: Jan. 08, 2019] |
Bertrand Stepnik | Framatome - CERCA™ | Poster Session |
S9-P3 | Non-destructive PIE of Irradiated KJRR-LTA of
U-Mo Dispersion Fuel Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Young-Wook Tahk | KAERI | Poster Session |
S9-P4 | Lessons Learned from the Safety
Assessments/Licensing of NIRR-1 to LEU Fuel Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Kayode Adedoyin | NNRA | Poster Session |
S9-P5 | Hot Isostatic Pressing Process Optimization of
6061 Aluminum Cladding for U-10Mo Fuel
Plates Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Erik Luther | LANL | Poster Session |
S9-P6 | The Impact of Process Modeling and
Characterization on the Fabrication of MP-1
and Future Experiments Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
Vineet Joshi | PNNL | Poster Session |
S9-P7 | Uranium Adsorption from Uranium Silicide
Alkaline Dissolution Using a Strong Base Anion
Exchanger Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Jabulani Gama | Necsa | Poster Session |
S9-P8 | Statistical Study of U-Mo-Zry-4 Miniplates
Fabrication Process Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Marisol Lopez | CNEA | Poster Session |
S9-P9 | Safety Analysis of Kharkov Low-Enriched Fuel Assembly | Yuri Mahlers | INR | Poster Session |
S9-P10 | Characterization Status of the LEU High
Density Uranium Zirconium Carbon Nitride Fuel
for Different Utilizations Abstract[posted: Nov. 13, 2019] |
Igor Bolshinsky | INL | Poster Session |
S9-P11 | Back In Line: WWR-SM Research Reactor
Operation, Plans for the Future Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Sapar Baytelesov | UZ-INP | Poster Session |
S9-P12 | Progress in the Development of Irradiation
Targets for Production of Mo-99 in Brazil Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Michelango Durazzo | IPEN/CNEN-SP | Poster Session |
S9-P13 | Validation Against Experimental Data of the
INVAP Calculation Line for Mo-99 Production
from LEU Plates Paper[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Facundo Boschetti | INVAP | Poster Session |
S9-P14 | Y-12 National Security Complex U-Mo Casting
Update |
Hollie Longmire | Y-12 | Poster Session |
S9-P15 | U.S. High Performance Research Reactor Fuel
Element Specifications Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
David Jaluvka | ANL | Poster Session |
S9-P16 | The Mo Distribution and Grain Refining in
Monolithic U-Mo Fuels Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Jan-Fong Jue | INL | Poster Session |
S9-P17 | INVAP Experience in Human Resources
Training and Qualification in Research Reactor
Analysis Abstract[posted: Oct. 08, 2018] |
Eduardo Villarino | INVAP | Poster Session |
S9-P18 | Phase Quantification in Uranium Aluminide
Ingot Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Giovanni Conturbia | IPEN/CNEN-SP | Poster Session |
S9-P19 | Benchmark Evaluation of Reduced Enrichment Experiments to Expand Available International Handbook Validation Data Paper[posted: Nov. 15, 2018] |
Margaret Marshall | INL | Poster Session |
S9-P20 | Generic Test Plate Assembly Flow Testing
Update 2018 Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Warren Jones | INL | Poster Session |
S10-P1 | Performance of Two COBRA-HEU LTAs with
Gadolinium Absorbers Irradiated in the BR2
Reactor Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Steven Van Dyck | SCK-CEN | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S10-P2 | European MiniPlate Irradiation Experiment
(EMPIRE) Status Update Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Irina Glagolenko | INL | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S10-P3 | Microstructural Characterization in Support of the EMPIRE Irradiation Experiment | Dennis Keiser | INL | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S10-P4 | Experiment Validation Protocol for Flux Wire
Measurements in the Advanced Test Reactor Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Joe Nielsen | INL | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S10-P5 | SEMPER FIDELIS Irradiation Status Report and First Results | Sven Van den Berghe | SCK-CEN | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S11-P1 | Development of Hot Channel Factors for Pin-Type Fuel in an Annular Geometry Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Jeremy Licht | ANL | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S11-P2 | Systems Engineering Application to U.S. High
Performance Research Reactor Conversion
Program Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Mike Cercy | SRNL | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S11-P3 | Experimental Validation of CFD Turbulent
Models Relevant for Involute-Plate Reactor Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Aurelien Bergeron | ANL | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S11-P4 | INVAP Nuclear Engineering Department
Calculation Suite Paper[posted: Nov. 15, 2018] |
Eduardo Villarino | INVAP | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S11-P5 | Validation of the HOR Reactor Model Paper[posted: Nov. 27, 2018] |
August Winkelman | Delft | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S12-P1 | Comparison of Properties and Fuel
Performance Data Presented in the Preliminary
UMo Report with Current US High Performance
Design Basis Analyses Abstract[posted: Oct. 24, 2018] |
David Jaluvka | ANL | Fuel Performance Measurement, Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P2 | Follow on Investigation of U-Mo Monolithic Fuel Swelling in the AFIP-6 MK II Experiment | Adam Robinson | INL | Fuel Performance Measurement, Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P3 | UT Signals Processing for Characterization of
UMo Fuel Plates Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Luis Olivares | CCHEN | Fuel Performance Measurement, Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P4 | Simulation of U-Mo Full-Size Fuel Plates—Recent DART-2D Enhancements Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Bei Ye | ANL | Fuel Performance Measurement, Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P5 | Microstructural Characterization of SEMPER
FIDELIS Fresh Fuel Plates Abstract[posted: Nov. 14, 2018] |
Herve Palancher | CEA | Fuel Performance Measurement, Analysis and Modeling |
List last updated Nov. 13, 2019 |
Please address inquiries about the RERTR-2018 technical program to the Meeting organizer, John Holland.
Last Modified: Wed, November 28, 2018 3:17 PM