RERTR-2018 International Meeting
Nov. 4-7, 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland
Meeting Venue - Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa
1 Festival Square, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 9SR, United Kingdomt: (44)(131) 229-9131
The Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa is located in the heart of Edinburgh, near the iconic Edinburgh Castle, the World Heritage Site Carlton Hill, the Scottish National Gallery, St Giles Cathedral, Real Mary King’s Close, and Holyrood Palace. For more information about the hotel surrounding points of interest see “Other Resources”.
View Larger Map
Hotel Information
Visit the Hotel Information page for reservation information on the Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa.
- Check the Maps & Directions page at the Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa web site.
Getting around
For more information about getting around in Edinburgh:
- Getting Around -
About Edinburgh
For more information:
- Edinburgh Travel Information and Travel Guide from Lonely Planet website
- Experience Edinburgh from hotel web site
- Edinburgh Weather Conditions (Yahoo Weather)
Visa Information
Make sure you read the Visa Information section to prepare for your trip to Scotland.
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If you have questions regarding the meeting venue, please contact:
Karen Grudzinski
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue, Building 208
Argonne, Illinois 60439-4842
Phone: +1 (630) 252-1671
Fax: +1 (630) 252-5161
Last Modified: Mon, June 25, 2018 4:58 PM