Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 1998 International RERTR Meeting
The 21st International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on 18-23 October 1998. The abstracts and available papers that were presented at this meeting are provided below. An (A) after the title of a paper indicates that only the abstract is currently available. An (A,P) after the title indicates that both the abstract and the paper are available for downloading.
National Programs
The RERTR Program: A Status Report (A,P)
A. Travelli, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Building on Success---The Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel
Acceptance Program (A,P)
D.G. Huizenga, United States Department of Energy, USA -
Progress report of the French Program, and Basic Design of the Jules Horowitz
Reactor (A,P)
A. Ballagny, Commissariat a L'Energie Atomique, FRANCE -
Status of Reduced Enrichment Program for Research Reactors in Japan (A,P)
Keiji Kanda and Yoshihiro Nakagome, Kyoto University, Japan
Keisuke Kaieda, Osamu Baba and Harumichi Tsuruta, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Japan -
Status in 1998 of the High Flux Reactor Fuel Cycle (A,P)
J. Guidez, A.Gevers, P. J.M. Thijssen, The European Commission, Netherlands
F.J. Wijtsma, ECN, Netherlands -
Research Reactor Developments in Australia (A,P)
Robert Godfrey, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia -
The Conversion and Power Upgrading of IEA-R1 Experience and Perspective (A,P)
J.R.Maiorino, J.A .Perrotta, and R.Frajndlich, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, Brazil -
The Feasibility Study of Using Low Enriched Uranium for Conversion of Russian
Plutonium Production Reactors (A,P)
I. Konovalov, A. Maslov, Y.Stetskiy, A. Vatulin (VNIINM), N. Koukharkin (RRCKI), V. Fatin (SkhK), B. Silin (MINATOM), Russia
Fuel Development, Testing and Evaluation
LEU Fuel Development at CERCA Status as of October 1998 (A,P)
JP. Durand, JC Ottone, M. Mahe and G. Ferraz, CERCA, France -
Postirradiation Examination of High-Density Uranium Alloy Dispersion Fuels
S. L. Hayes, M. K. Meyer, G. L. Hofman, and R. V. Strain, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Design of Gamma-Phase High-Density Uranium Alloys for LEU Dispersion Fuel
Applications (A,P)
G. L. Hofman, M. K. Meyer, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
A. Ray, Purdue University, USA -
US-RERTR Advanced Fuel Development Plans--1999 (A,P)
M. K. Meyer, J. L. Snelgrove, G. L. Hofman, S. L. Hayes, and T. C. Wiencek, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
The Beginning of the LEU Fuel Elements Manufacturing in the Chilean Commission
of Nuclear Energy (A,P)
H. Contreras , J. C. Chavez, J. Marin, J. Lisboa, L. Olivares, O. Jimenez, Commission Chilena de Energia Nuclear, CHILE -
Improvement of the Homogeneity of Atomized Particles Dispersed in High Uranium
Density Research Reactor Fuels (A,P)
Chang-Kyu Kim, Ki-Hwan Kim, Jong-Man Park, Yoon-Sang Lee, Don-Bae Lee, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea
Woong-Hee Sohn and Soon-Hyung Hong, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea -
Fuel Plate Fabrication Using Atomized U3Si2 (A,P)
Brett W. Pace, BWX Technologies Inc., USA -
Fuel Powder Production from Ductile Uranium Alloys (A,P)
C. R. Clark and M. K. Meyer, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
J. T. Strauss, HJE Corporation, USA -
Development of UZr Alloy for the TRIGA/IPR-R1 Reactor Fuel (A,P)
Silva, E. G.; Cardoso, P. E.; Ferraz, W. B., Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear, Brazil -
Development and Compatibility of Magnesium Matrix Fuel Plates Clad with 6061
Aluminum Alloy (A,P)
T. C. Wiencek, I. G. Prokofiev, and D. J. McGann, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Unified Fuel Elements Development for Research Reactors (A,P)
A.Vatulin, Y.Stetsky, I.Dobrikova, State Scientific Center, Russia -
Experimental and Calculated Swelling Behavior of U-10Mo under Low Irradiation
Temperatures (A,P)
J. Rest and G. L. Hofman, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
I. I. Konovalov and A. A. Maslov, A. A. Bochvar All-Russian Research and Development Institute of Inorganic Materials, Russia -
CNEA/ANL Collaboration Program to Develop an Optimized Version of DART
Validation and Assessment by Means of
U3SiX and U3O8-Al Dispersed CNEA Miniplate Irradiation Behavior (A,P)
Diego Solís, Horacio Taboada, U.A. Combustibles Nucleares, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina
J. Rest, Argonne National Laboratory, USA - A
New Standard for Uranium Metal Intended for Research Reactor Fuel Fabrication
Juergen Laucht, Hans Mueller, N U K E M Nuklear GmbH, Germany -
Alternative Route for UF6 Conversion Towards UF4 to Produce Metallic Uranium
Frajndlich E.U.C., Saliba-Silva A.M, Zorzetto M.A., Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Brazil -
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Head-End Enriched Uranium Purification and Conversion into
Metal (A,P)
Ing. Bonini, A. - Ing. Cabrejas, J. - Ing. De Lio, L. - Lic. Dell’Occhio, L. - Sr. Devida, C. - Dr. Dupetit, G. - Ing. Falcón,
M. - Ing. Gauna, A. - Lic. Gil, D. - Sr. Guzmán, G. - Sra. Neuringer, P.- Sr. Pascale, A. - Ing. Stankevicius, A.,
UAMyCN - Gerencia Centro Atómico Ezeiza, Argentina -
The Test Method and Some Results for WWR-M Fuel (A,P)
G.A. Kirsanov, K.A. Konoplev, Yu.P. Saikov, A.S. Zakharov, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia -
Performance Test of LEU-JRR-4 Core (A,P)
H. Nagadomi, S. Watanabe, Y. Funayama, T. Nakajima, K. Kaieda, JAERI, Japan -
Program Description for the Qualification of CNEA-Argentina as a Supplier of
LEU Silicide Fuel and Post-Irradiation
Examinations Plan for the First Prototype Irradiated in Argentina (A,P)
Gabriel Ruggirello, Pablo Adelfang, Alicia Denis, Andres Zawerucha, Agustin Di Marco, Eduardo Guillaume, Monica Sbaffoni, Pablo Lacoste
Comision Nacional Energia Atomica, Argentina -
Irradiation Experience of IPEN Fuel at IEA-R1 Research Reactor (A,P)
José A. Perrotta, Adolfo M. Neto, Michelangelo Durazzo, José A.B. de Souza, Roberto Frajndlich,
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Brazil -
Criterions for comparison of different research reactors (A,P)
N.V.Arkhanguelski, Ministry for Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation, Russia
Core Conversion Studies
Deterministic and Monte Carlo calculations for the Budapest Research Reactor
G. Hordósy, Cs. Maráczy, A. Simonits, M. Telbisz, KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, Hungary -
A Neutronic Feasibility Study for LEU Conversion of the Budapest Research
Reactor (A,P)
R. B. Pond, N. A. Hanan and J.E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Methods and Codes for Neutronic calculations of the MARIA Research Reactor
K. Andrzejewski and T. Kulikowska, Institute of Atomic Energy, Poland
M.M. Bretscher, N.A. Hanan, and J.E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
A Neutronic Feasibility Study for LEU Conversion of the MARIA Research Reactor
M. Bretscher, N. A. Hanan, and J. E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
A Neutronic Feasibility Study for LEU Conversion of the IR-8 Research Reactor
J. R. Deen, N. A. Hanan and J. E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
A Neutronic Feasibility Study for LEU Conversion of the WWR-SM Research
Reactor in Uzbekistan (A,P)
A. Rakhmanov, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan
J. R. Deen, N. A. Hanan and J. E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Conversion (Utilization LEU instead HEU) of Research Reactor in Czech Republic
K. Matejka, L’. Sklenka, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
E. Listik, J. Ernest, Nuclear Research Institute in Rez, Czech Republic -
Problems Concerned in Fuel Design of CARR (A,P)
Yuan Luzheng, Kang Yalun, China Institute of Atomic Energy, China -
Transient Analysis for HEU and LEU Designs of the FRM-II (A,P)
N. A. Hanan, S. C. Mo, and J. E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Refurbishment, Core Conversion and Safety Analysis of APSARA Reactor (A,P)
V. K. Raina, K. Sasidharan, S. Sengupta , Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India -
Flux Measurements in the LEU Refueled SLOWPOKE-2 Reactor of ECOLE
Polytechnique de Montreal (A,P)
O. El Hajjaji, G. Kennedy, D. Rozon, Institut de Genie Nucleaire, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada -
HEU Core Conversion of Russian Production Reactors: A Major Threat to the
International RERTR Regime (A,P)
Alan J. Kuperman and Paul L. Leventhal, Nuclear Control Institute, USA -
Studies for a Multipurpose Research Reactor for the CRCN/CNEN-PE (A,P)
Antônio C. O. Barroso, Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear, DPD/CNEN, Brazil
José R. Maiorino, José L. Bastos, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN/CNEN-SP, Brazil
João M. L. Moreira, Centro Tecnológico da Marinha em São Paulo, Brazil -
Core Calculations for the Upgrading of the IEA-R1 Research Reactor (A,P)
Adimir dos Santos, José A. Perrotta, José Luis F. Bastos, Mitsuo Yamaguchi, Pedro E. Umbehaun
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP, Brazil -
Development of an Emergency Core Cooling System for the Converted IEA-R1m
Research Reactor (A,P)
Walmir Maximo Torres, Benedito Dias Baptista Filho and Daniel Kao Sun Ting
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP), Brazil -
Status of the Conversion of BER II after Seven HEU/LEU-Mixed-Cores (A,P)
K. Haas, C. O. Fischer, H. Krohn, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Germany -
Neutronics Characteristics of JRR-4 Low Enriched Uranium Core (A,P)
Yoshihiro Nakano, Yoshiro Funayama and Teruo Nakajima, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Japan -
Safety Aspects of the RECH-1 Core Conversion (A,P)
Jaime Riesle Wetherby, Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear (CCHEN), Chile -
Neutronic Calculations Regarding the New LEU 6x6 Fuel Bundle for 14 MW TRIGA
–SSR, in Order to Increase
the Reactor Power up to 21 MW (A,P)
C. Iorgulis, M. Ciocanescu, M. Preda, M. Mladin, Institute for Nuclear Research, Romania. -
Performance Evaluation of Converted and Upgraded PARR-1 (A,P)
Showket Pervez and Masood Iqbal, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission - PINSTECH, Pakistan
Spent Fuel Management
U.S. Department of Energy Operational Experience with Shipments of Foreign
Research Reactor Spent Fuel (A,P)
Charles E. Messick, Tracy P. Mustin, United States Department of Energy, USA
Charles D. Massey, Sandia National Laboratories, USA -
Multilateral Nonproliferation Cooperation US - Led Effort to Remove HEU/LEU
Fresh and Spent Fuel from the
Republic of Georgia to Dounreay, Scotland (Auburn Endeavor/Project Olympus) (A,P)
Thomas A. Shelton and James M. Viebrock, NAC International, USA
Alexander W. Riedy and Stanley D. Moses, Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, USA
Helen M. Bird, U.S. Department of Energy, USA -
Operational Aspects of TRIGA Shipment from South Korea to INEEL (A,P)
Dixon Parker and Thomas Shelton, NAC International, USA -
Achieving the Timely Receipt of Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel at
the Savannah River Site (A,P)
Cindy M. Brizes, William D. Clark, U.S. Department of Energy, Savannah River Operations Office, USA
Jay Thomas, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, USA
Trent Andes, Westinghouse Savannah Company, USA -
MTR Transport Experiences of Transnucleaire in South America and Status on the
TN-MTR Packaging (A,P)
O. Konirsch, C. Anne, TRANSNUCLEAIRE, France -
Experience of IEA-R1 Research Reactor Spent Fuel Transportation back to United
States (A,P)
Roberto Frajndlich, José A. Perrotta, José Rubens Maiorino, Adalberto José Soares
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Brazil -
Initiatives in Transport Cask Licensing (A,P)
John Patterson, NAC International, USA -
Transportation of Failed or Damaged Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear
Fuel (A,P)
Charles E. Messick, Tracy P. Mustin, United States Department of Energy, USA
Charles D. Massey, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Upgrades to the WIMS-ANL Code (A,P)
W. L. Woodruff, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
L. S. Leopando, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Philippines -
The Use of WIMS-ANL Lumped Fission Product Cross Sections for Burned Core
Analysis with the MCNP Monte Carlo Code (A,P)
N. A. Hanan, R. B. Pond, W. L. Woodruff, M. M. Bretscher, and J. E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Validation and Verification of the MTR_PC Thermohydraulic Package (A,P)
Alicia Doval, Nuclear Engineering Department, INVAP S.E., Argentina -
A Monte Carlo Burnup Code Linking REBUS and MCNP (A,P)
N. A. Hanan, A. P. Olson, R. B. Pond, and J. E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Analysis of the Effect of Transverse Power Distribution in an Involute Fuel
Plate With and Without Oxide Film Formation (A,P)
R. S. Smith and N. A. Hanan, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Mo-99 Production From LEU Fission
Full-Scale Demonstration of the Cintichem Process for the Production of Mo-99
Using a Low-Enriched Target (A,P)
A. Mutalib, B. Purwadi, Adang H. G., Hotman L., Moeridoen, Kadarisman, A. Sukmana, Sriyono, A. Suripto, H. Nasution, D. L. Amin,
Indonesian National Atomic Energy Agency, Indonesia
G. F. Vandegrift, G. Hofman, C. Conner, J. Sedlet, D. Walker, R. A. Leonard, E. L. Wood, T. C. Wiencek, and J. L. Snelgrove
Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Present Status of LEU in Aqueous Reactors to Produce Mo-99 (A,P)
Russell M. Ball, Technology Commercialization International, USA
V.A. Pavshook and V.Ye.Khvostionov, Russian Research Center - Kurchatov Institute, Russia -
Progress in Developing Processes for Converting 99Mo Production
from High- to Low-Enriched Uranium-1998 (A,P)
C. Conner, M. W. Liberatore, A. Mutalib, J. Sedlet, D. Walker, and G F. Vandegrift, Argonne National Laboratory, USA -
Analysis of 99Mo Production Irradiating 20%U Target (A,P)
R. Calabrese, C. Grant, A. Marajofsky, D. G. Parkansky, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina -
Recovery of Molybdenum using Alumina Microspheres and Precipitation with
Selective Organic Reagents (A,P)
Fátima Maria Sequeira de Carvalho e Alcídio Abrão, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Brazil -
Dissolution and Ion Exchange Operations Mathematical Modeling in a 99Mo
Production Process for Medical Purposes (A,P)
M. A. Gonçalves, A. R. L. Nery, M. Yamaura, M. C. F. C. Felinto, R. L. Camilo, V. H. Cohen,
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, Brazil -
Feasibility Studies of Producing
by Capture in the IEA-R1 Research Reactor (A,P)
Roberta Concilio, Arlindo Gilson Mendonça, José Rubens Maiorino, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, CNEN, Brazil -
Studies for production of 99Mo in the IEA-R1m Reactor Using a
Beryllium Irradiation Element (A,P)
Walter Ricci Filho, Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, IPEN/CNEN-SP, Brazil
João M. L. Moreira, Centro Tecnológico da Marinha em São Paulo, Brazil -
Preparation of a Gel of Zirconium Molybdate for Use in the Generators of
99Mo-99mTc Prepared with 99Mo
Produced by the 98Mo(n,g )99Mo Reaction
João A. Osso Junior, Ana Lúcia V. P. Lima, Nestor C. da Silva, Renata C. Nieto, Adriana C. de Velosa
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP, Brazil