Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1998 International RERTR Meeting
John Patterson
Foreign Research Reactor Liaison
NAC International
227 Gateway Drive
Aiken, South Carolina, USA 29803
Phone: (803) 652-7413
email: [email protected]
The variations in research reactor fuel form, configuration, irradiation characteristics, and transport cask have required a substantial number of transport cask licensing actions associated with foreign research reactor spent fuel transportation. When compounded by limited time for shipment preparations, due to contract timing or delayed receipt of technical data, the number and timing of certifications has adversely impacted the ability of regulatory agencies to support intended shipping schedules. This issue was brought into focus at a April, 1998 meeting among DOE, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and DOEs spent fuel transportation contractors.
As a consequence of the meeting, NAC performed a strategic assessment of factors contributing to the number and timing of cask licensing actions. A set of proposals was developed identifying actions that could be taken by NAC, and those requiring DOE and NRC cooperation to streamline or expedite the licensing process. The paper will elaborate on the actions identified by NAC, the potential for regulatory process improvement, and the current status of approval and implementation.
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John Patterson
NAC International
227 Gateway Drive
Aiken SC 29803
Phone: 1 803 652 7413
Fax: 1 803 652 7451
Email: [email protected]