Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1998 International RERTR Meeting
Development and Compatibility of
Magnesium Matrix Fuel Plates
Clad with 6061 Aluminum Alloy
T. C. Wiencek, I. G. Prokofiev, and D. J. McGann
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL USA
Aluminum is a commonly used matrix for research reactor fuel plates. It has been postulated that a reaction between the fuel and the aluminum matrix may reduce the irradiation stability of the fuel and that fuels that show poor irradiation performance in an aluminum matrix may irradiate acceptably in a nonreacting matrix. Magnesium is an excellent nonreacting matrix candidate because it has a neutron absorption coefficient similar to that of aluminum. To avoid the formation of a liquid phase, improvements were made to the roll bonding process to achieve acceptable bonding at 415°C. After these methods were developed, compatibility studies with two fuels, U-2Mo and U-10Mo, and two matrices, aluminum and magnesium, were conducted to study the reaction between the fuel and a magnesium matrix. Results of the experiment have indicated that there is very little or no reaction between these fuels and the magnesium matrix. It is planned that fuel plates with a magnesium matrix will be included in the next irradiation test for the RERTR high-density fuel development program.
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Thomas Wiencek
Engineering Specialist
Energy Technology
Argonne National
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 USA
Phone: (630)
(630) 252-9232