Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1998 International RERTR Meeting
Postirradiation Examination of High-Density Uranium Alloy Dispersion Fuels
S. L. Hayes, M. K. Meyer, G. L. Hofman, and R. V. Strain
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL USA
Two irradiation test vehicles, designated RERTR-1 and RERTR-2, were inserted into the Advanced Test Reactor in Idaho in August 1997. These irradiation tests were designed to obtain irradiation performance information on a variety of potential new, high-density uranium alloy dispersion fuels, including U-10Mo, U-8Mo, U-6Mo, U-4Mo, U-9Nb-3Zr, U-6Nb-4Zr, U-5Nb-3Zr, U-6Mo-1Pt, U-6Mo-0.6Ru and U-10Mo-0.05Sn; the intermetallic compounds U2Mo and U3Si2 were also included in the fuel test matrix. These fuels are included in the experiments as "microplates" (76 mm x 22 mm x 1.3 mm outer dimensions) loaded to a fuel volume fraction of 25% and irradiated at relatively low temperature (~100°C). RERTR-1 and RERTR-2 were discharged from the reactor in November 1997 and July 1998, respectively, at peak fuel burnups of approximately 40 and 70 at.% 235U. RERTR-1 is currently being examined at the Alpha Gamma Hot Cell Facility at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, and shipment of RERTR-2 to the hot cell is anticipated by the end of August 1998. This paper presents the postirradiation examination results available from these experiments, including microplate dimensional characterization, gamma-ray spectroscopy, swelling measurements, and metallography.
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Steven L. Hayes
Fuels Testing & Analysis
National Laboratory, West
Box 2528
Falls, ID 83403-2528 USA
Phone: (208) 533-7255
Fax: (208) 533-7863