Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1998 International RERTR Meeting
A Monte Carlo Burnup Code Linking REBUS and MCNP
N. A. Hanan, A. P. Olson, R. B. Pond, and J. E. Matos
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL, USA
The REBUS burnup code uses diffusion theory (DIF3D) to obtain the fluxes required for the burnup analyses. To include the effects of geometries and absorbers that are difficult to model using diffusion theory, a Monte Carlo solution for the fluxes is required. This paper presents a linking of the MCNP Monte Carlo code and REBUS burnup code to perform these difficult burnup analyses. The linked code permits the use of the full capabilities of REBUS which includes non-equilibrium and equilibrium burnup analyses. Burnup analysis results using this method for different research reactors are presented.
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Dr. Nelson
Nuclear Engineer
Argonne National Laboratory
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