Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1998 International RERTR Meeting
Upgrades to the WIMS-ANL Code
W. L. Woodruff
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL USA
L. S. Leopando
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
Quezon City, Philippines
The dusty old source code in WIMS-D4M has been completely rewritten to conform more closely with current FORTRAN coding practices. The revised code contains many improvements in appearance, error checking and in control of the output. The output is now tabulated to fit the typical 80 column window or terminal screen. The Segev method for resonance integral interpolation is now an option. Most of the dimension limitations have been removed and replaced with variable dimensions within a compile-time fixed container. The library is no longer restricted to the 69 energy group structure, and two new libraries have been generated for use with the code. The new libraries are both based on ENDF/B-VI data with one having the original 69 energy group structure and the second with a 172 group structure. The common source code can be used with PCs using both Windows 95 and NT, with a Linux based operating system and with UNIX based workstations. Comparisons of this version of the code to earlier evaluations with ENDF/B-V are provided, as well as, comparisons with the new libraries.
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Dr. William L. Woodruff
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave., Bldg. 207
Argonne, IL 60439-4841 USA
Tel.: +1-630-252-8634
Fax: +1-630-252-5161