Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1998 International RERTR Meeting
Jaime Riesle Wetherby
Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear (CCHEN)
Amun<tegui 95, Santiago - Chile
When the RECH-1 research reactor joined the core conversion program for low enrichment
fuel, the need to review some safety related aspects, which are currently under way with
different degrees of progress, became apparent. The mentioned aspects can be grouped into:
Evaluation of the technical specifications of the new fuel elements: the technical
specifications were carefully verified and contrasted with the recommendations of the IAEA
and with those of manufacturers which are widely known for their expertise.
RECH-1 relicensing: considering the new fission products inventory, a reevaluation of
accident scenarios based on risk analysis tools, deterministic calculations and
atmospheric dispersion studies is being accomplished.
Qualification of the fuel element manufacturing process: the qualification of the fuel
elements relies, mainly, on the application of a rigorous program of Quality Assurance
during fabrication.
Monitoring the new fuel elements performance during irradiation: the core conversion
program envisages the initial loading of four lead fuel elements, which will be submitted
to periodical controls in order to verify their performance under irradiation conditions,
pryor to proceeding to the new full core.
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Jaime Riesle Wetherby
Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear
CEN La Reina, Nueva Bilbao
Santiago 12501
Phone: 56 2364 6265
Fax: 56 2364 6263
Email: [email protected]