RERTR-2019 International Meeting
Oct. 6-9, 2019, Zagreb, Croatia
Available Abstracts and Papers
The available abstracts and/or papers that were presented at the “40th RERTR 2019 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors” are provided below.
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# | Paper/Presentation Title | Presenter | Affiliation | Topic |
Opening Remarks | W. R. Kohorst | US Embassy Zagreb | ||
Welcome to 40th International RERTR Meeting | P. Kearns | ANL | ||
S1-P1 | NNSA Nonproliferation Initiatives and Partnerships | B. Park | DOE-NNSA | Global Progress in HEU Minimization |
S1-P2 | International Atomic Energy Agency Efforts to Promote Nuclear Nonproliferation | C. Xerri | IAEA | Global Progress in HEU Minimization |
S2-P1 | Reactor Conversion by the Numbers | C. Landers | DOE-NNSA |
HEU Minimization Structures Plenary |
S2-P2 | Nuclear Material Removal Collaboration with Research Reactor Conversions | S. Roecker | DOE-NNSA |
HEU Minimization Structures Plenary |
S2-P3 | IAEA and RERTR: A History of Collaboration | F. Marshall | IAEA | HEU Minimization Structures Plenary |
S3-P1 | Technical Highlights from 40 RERTR Conferences and Reactor Conversions | J. Stevens | ANL | Life After Conversion I |
S3-P2 | Framatome-CERCA™ Successes in Research Reactor Conversions | F. Gauche | Life After Conversion I | |
S3-P3 | Status of Hungary after the HEU-LEU Conversion Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
I. Vidovszky | Centre for Energy Research | Life After Conversion I |
S4-1 | Towards a HEU-free World: INVAP's Experience, Challenges, Milestones, and Perspective | M. G. Marquez | INVAP S.E. | Life After Conversion II |
S4-P2 | Support of ÚJV Řež, a. s. for Shipments of Spent Nuclear Fuel within the M3 Program Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
J. Podlaha | ÚJV Řež | Life After Conversion II |
S4-P3 | Comparison of Thermal Hydraulics Characteristics of NIRR-1 LEU Core with HEU Core | S. Jonah | Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission | Life After Conversion II |
S5-P1 | History of the U.S. Origin Program and Its Current End State Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
J. Galan | Savannah River Site | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S5-P2 | Current Status of the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return Program | I. Bolshinsky | INL | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S5-P3 | NAC's OPTIMUS™ Packaging for Research Reactor Wastes Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
J. England | NAC International | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S5-P4 | Impacts to the Advanced Test Reactor Fresh Fuel Shipping Container (ATR FFSC) for the Transport of LEU Fuel | K.A. Dunn | Savannah River National Laboratory | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S5-P5 | Corrosion Protection of Spent Aluminum-Clad Research Reactor Fuel During Long Term Wet Storage Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
L.V. Ramanathan | IPEN | HEU Removal Operations and Fuel Transportation |
S6-P1 | Calculated Studies in Support of the Creation of a Uranium-Zirconium Hydride Critical Assembly with Low Enriched Uranium Zirconium Carbonitride Fuel Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
S. Sikorin | Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny | Poster Session |
S6-P2 | USHPRR Fuel Fabrication Pillar Fabrication Process Status | R.B. Nielson | INL | Poster Session |
S6-P3 | Current Status on the Development of High-density LEU U3Si2 Fuel in KAERI | Y.J. Jeong | KAERI | Poster Session |
S6-P4 | Update of Regulatory Oversight of NIRR-1 Core Conversion | K. Adedoyin | Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority | Poster Session |
S6-P5 | European Developments for Monolithic UMo Fuel: UMo Foil Manufacturing Project | S. Lorand | Framatome – CERCA™ Division | Poster Session |
S6-P6 | Depleted Uranium Manufacturing Studies for KUCA LEU Conversion Fuels | J. Allenou | Framatome – CERCA™ Division | Poster Session |
S6-P7 | Y-12 National Security Complex LEU-Mo Casting Update | D. Turpin | Y-12 National Security Complex | Poster Session |
S6-P8 | First-Principles Study of Surface Properties of Crystalline and Amorphous Uranium Aluminides | A.M. Yacout | ANL | Poster Session |
S6-P9 | Microstructural Characterization of U-7Mo Dispersion Fuel Plates Irradiated at High Power | D. Keiser | INL | Poster Session |
S6-P10 | Fabrication of Atomized LEU-7wt.%Mo Powder for KUCA Core Conversion | K. Lee | KAERI |
Poster Session |
S6-P11 | Transition Cores Accident Analyses for the Conversion of the University of Missouri Research Reactor from Highly Enriched to Low-Enriched Uranium | D.S. Yoon | ANL | Poster Session |
S6-P12 | UMo Benchmark Experiment Data Needed to Support Computational and Nuclear Data Validation Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
M.A. Marshall | INL | Poster Session |
S6-P13 | Scale-Up of Atomic Layer Deposition Coating and Heat Treatment of Uranium-Molybdenum Powder | L. Jamison | ANL | Poster Session |
S6-P14 | DART Simulation of Plate-Type Fuels to High Burnup | G. Hofman | ANL | Poster Session |
S6-P15 | Microstructure-Based Process Modeling and Integration of U-10Mo | V. Joshi | PNNL | Poster Session |
S6-P16 | Evaluation of Fuel Swelling and Irradiation Creep Behavior for a MURR LEU U-10Mo Monolithic Plate: A Finite Element Analysis Based Study | W. Mohamed | ANL | Poster Session |
S6-P17 | Verification and Validation of Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Software: The University of Missouri Research Reactor as a Case Study | D.S. Yoon | ANL | Poster Session |
S7-P1 | Status of KJRR Fuel Qualification - Update | J.M. Park | KAERI | LEU Fuel Design and Qualification |
S7-P2 | Review on the Development of Very High Density Fuels by CMAD Group | M. Lopez | CNEA | LEU Fuel Design and Qualification |
S7-P3 | SEMPER FIDELIS: Post Irradiation Examination Results | A. Leenaers | SCK·CEN | LEU Fuel Design and Qualification |
S7-P4 | Non-Destructive Examination Preliminary Results of EMPIrE | A.B. Robinson | INL | LEU Fuel Design and Qualification |
S7-P5 | A Qualification Base Report on High-Density U3Si2/Al Dispersion Fuel for High-Power Research Reactors | Y.S. Kim | ANL | LEU Fuel Design and Qualification |
S7-P6 | Status of LEU U-10Mo Monolithic Fuel Testing and Qualification Efforts to Support US High Performance Research Reactor Conversions | J. Cole | INL | LEU Fuel Design and Qualification |
S8-P1 | USHPRR Fuel Fabrication Pillar Fabrication Status, Process Optimizations and Future Plans | C.A. Lavender | PNNL | Fuel Fabrication Technology |
S8-P2 | Y-12 Past, Present and Future Supplying Uranium Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
L. Jollay | Y-12 National Security Complex | Fuel Fabrication Technology |
S8-P3 | USHPRR Fuel Element Specifications and Plate Demonstration Plans | D. Jaluvka | ANL | Fuel Fabrication Technology |
S8-P4 | Impact Assessment for the MIT Research Reactor LEU Fuel Fabrication | D. Allen | MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory | Fuel Fabrication Technology |
S8-P5 | Manufacturing of the HiPROSIT Irradiation Experiment: High density U3Si2 Fuel Plates | B. Stepnik | Framatome – CERCA™ Division | Fuel Fabrication Technology |
S8-P6 | Future HALEU Supply – A Front-end Industrial Actor’s View | J-B. Darphin | ORANO | Fuel Fabrication Technology |
S9-P1 | US High Performance Research Reactor LEU Conversion Design and Qualification Progress | E.H. Wilson | ANL | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S9-P2 | Progress Update on the MIT Research Reactor (MITR) Conversion from Highly Enriched Uranium to Low Enriched Uranium Fuel | L. Hu | MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S9-P3 | Conversion Status of the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor from Highly Enriched to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel | L. Foyto | University of Missouri-Columbia Research Reactor | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S9-P4 | Recent Work on Conversion of the NIST Research Reactor | T.H. Newton | NIST Center for Neutron Research | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S9-P5 | Present Status of the ATR LEU Fuel Project and the Element Test Campaign | J. Jenkins | INL | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S9-P6 | High Flux Isotope Reactor Conversion from High-Enriched to Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel – A 2019 Progress Update | P.K. Jain | ORNL | High Performance Reactor Conversions |
S10-P1 | History and Current Status of the KUCA Dry Core Conversion Project Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
J. Morman | ANL | International Conversion Progress, LEU Reactor Development and Post-Conversion Performance |
S10-P2 | Status of the IVG.1M Fuel Test | V.S. Gnyrya | IAE Branch of NNC | International Conversion Progress, LEU Reactor Development and Post-Conversion Performance |
S10-P3 | Experimental and Analytical Transient Studies of Material Movements Inside Critical Configurations Using Low Enriched Uranium Fuel | Y. Gohar | ANL | International Conversion Progress, LEU Reactor Development and Post-Conversion Performance |
S10-P4 | Non-Reactor Tests of HEU and LEU Fuel and Reflector Material (Beryllium Oxide) as Part of the IGR Reactor Conversion | Y. Baklanova | IAE Branch of NNC | International Conversion Progress, LEU Reactor Development and Post-Conversion Performance |
S10-P5 | Progress of the Kijang Research Reactor (KJRR) Project in Korea | H-S. Jung | KAERI | International Conversion Progress, LEU Reactor Development and Post-Conversion Performance |
S11-P1 | High-Temperature FLiBe Salt and Materials Irradiation Tests Supporting Molten Salt Reactors Development at the MIT Research Reactor | L. Hu | MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S11-P2 | Low Enrichment Nuclear Fuel Based on Uranium-Zirconium Carbonitride: Performance of the Methodical Reactor Experiment | A. Bakhin | Scientific Research Institute Scientific Industrial Association "LUCH" | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S11-P3 | Current Plans for Irradiation Testing of Low Enriched Uranium Silicide Fuel in Support of High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Conversion | I. Glagolenko | INL | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S11-P4 | Overview and Status of the FUTURE-HFIR Irradiation Experiment | W.F. Jones | INL | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S11-P5 | Design of Full Size Plate Irradiation Test for U-10Mo Monolithic Fuel Qualification | M.A. Marshall | INL | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S11-P6 | A Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Low Burnup U-7Mo Samples | D. Salvato | SCK·CEN | Fuel Irradiation Testing and Characterization |
S12-P1 | Projection of Irradiation Behavior of U3Si2 Dispersion Fuel at High Fuel Loading and High Operating Power Paper [posted: Jul. 22, 2020] |
G. Hofman | ANL | Fuel Performance Measurement Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P2 | Evaluation of the Thickness of PVD-Deposited Mo, Zr Coatings as Diffusion Barriers Between U-Mo and Al Using Heavy Ion Irradiation | J. Shi | FRM II | Fuel Performance Measurement Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P3 | Fission Product Release Testing to Support Qualification of an LEU Fuel for the Advanced Test Reactor Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
K. Metzroth | MPR Associates | Fuel Performance Measurement Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P4 | Operational Effects of the BR2 Driver Fuel Transition | G. Newman | SCK·CEN | Fuel Performance Measurement Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P5 | Attaining Uniform Thickness of U-10Mo and Zr in Monolithic Fuel | V. Joshi | PNNL | Fuel Performance Measurement Analysis and Modeling |
S12-P6 | Review of the Technical Basis for Properties and Fuel Performance Data Used in USHPRR HEU to LEU Conversion Analysis Compared to the Preliminary UMo Report | L. Jamison | ANL | Fuel Performance Measurement Analysis and Modeling |
S13-P1 | Non-parametric Statistical Safety Analysis Tools to Support ATR Conversion to LEU Paper [posted: Nov. 25, 2019] |
B. Hallee | MPR Associates | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S13-P2 | Safety Analysis of the IVG.1M Reactor with LEU Fuel | R.A. Irkimbekov | IAE Branch of NNC | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S13-P3 | Computational Codes Developed by RERTR for LEU Conversion and Used at Research and Test Reactors Worldwide | J.R. Licht | ANL | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S13-P4 | Overview of Beyond Design Studies Performed within the Framework of BR2 Decennial Safety Review | F.J. Wols | SCK·CEN | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S13-P5 | Four Design Demonstration Elements (DDEs) to be Irradiated in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) and Belgian Reactor 2 (BR2) | G.K. Housley | INL | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
S13-P6 | Involute Working Group – Progress towards Validation of CFD for Involute-Plate Reactors Safety Analysis | A. Bergeron | ANL | Conversion and Systems Analyses |
List last updated Oct. 12, 2022 |
Please address inquiries about the RERTR-2019 technical program to the Meeting organizer, John Holland.
Last Modified: Mon, November 25, 2019 5:10 PM