Abstracts and Available Papers Presented
at the 1996 International RERTR Meeting
The 1996 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) was sponsored by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and the International Atomic Energy Agency and was held in Seoul, Korea, on 6-10 October 1996. The abstracts and available papers that were presented at this meeting are provided below. An (A) after the title of a paper indicates that only the abstract is currently available. An (A,P) after the title indicates that both the abstract and the paper are available for downloading.
National Programs
- Status
and Progress of the RERTR Program (A,P)
A. Travelli, Argonne National Laboratory - The
United States Policy Inititatives in Promoting the RERTR Program (A,P)
D.G. Huizenga, United States Department of Energy - The
Russian RERTR Program Works Status (A)
V.G. Aden, B.A. Gabaraev, E. Kartashev, S.Y. Bulkin, and V.A. Lukichev, Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering
N.V. Arkhangelsky, Ministry of Atomic Energy, Russian Federation - RERTR
Program, French Status in 1996 (A)
J. Guidez and A. Ballagny, CEA Saclay, France - Status
of Reduced Enrichment for Research Reactors in Japan (A)
K. Kanda and Y. Nakagome, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute
Masahiko Isshiki, Osamu Baba and Harumichi Tsuruta, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Japan
Fuel Development, Testing and Evaluation
- Development
of Very-High Density Fuels by the RERTR Program (A,P)
J.L. Snelgrove, G.L. Hofman, C.L. Trybus, and T.C. Wiencek, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - Status
of Research Reactor Fuel Development in KAERI (A)
Chang-Kyu Kim, Woo-Seok Ryu, Jong-Man Park, Don-Bae Lee, Ki-Hwan Kim, and Il-Hyun Kuk, Korea Atomic Energy Reserch Institute, Korea - Babcock
& Wilcox Fabrication Experience with KAERI Spherical Fuel (A)
L.E. Todd and B.W. Pace, Babcock & Wilcox, U.S.A. - LEU
Fuel Development at CERCA, Status as of October 1996 (A)
J.P. Durand, G. Olagnon, P. Colomb, Y. Lavastre, and M. Grasse,CERCA
H. Noel and V. Queneau, CNRS, France - Aluminum-U3Si2
Interdiffusion and Its Implications for the Performance of Fuel Operating
at Higher Temperatures and Fission Rates (A,P)
G.L. Hofman, J. Rest, J.L. Snelgrove, and T. Wiencek, Argonne National Laboratory
S. Koster an Goos, Cornell University, U.S. A. - Fabrication
Develpment of the Plate Fuel for Indian Research Reactors (A)
G.J. Prasad, K.N. Mahule, J.K. Ghosh, C. Ganguly, D.S.C. Purushotham, and M.S. Ramakumar, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India - Results
of Fuel Element Fabrication on the Basis of Increased Concentration Dioxide
Fuel for Research Reactors (A)
A.B. Aleksandrov, V.L. Afanasiev, and A.A. Enin, Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, Inc.
V.B. Suprun, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Inorganic Materials, Russian Federation - Development
of High Loading U-Mo Alloy Fuel by Centrifugal Atomization (A)
Ki Hwan Kim, Don Bae Lee, Chang Kyu Kim, and Il Hyun Kuk, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea
G. L. Hofman, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - Fabrication
Experience, Inspection and Irradiation Programme for 2 LEU Silicide Elements
Fabricated by UKAEA (Dounreay,UK) for Irradiation in HFR (Petten, NL) (A)
P. Cartwright, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, UK
J. Markgraf, Joint Research Centre of the Institute for Advanced Materials of the European Commission
F.J. Wijtsma, Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, The Netherlands - Calculated-Experimental
Investigation of Fuel Elements with High-Density Fuel (A)
A. Vatulin, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Inorganic Materials, Russian Federation - Irradiation-Behaviour
Modelling of Uranium Oxide-Aluminum Dispersion Fuel (A,P)
G.L. Hofman, J. Rest, and J.L. Snelgrove, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - Relative
Neutronic Performance of Proposed High-Density Dispersion Fuels in Water-Moderated
and D2O Reflected Research Reactors (A,P)
M.M. Bretscher, J.E. Matos, and J.L. Snelgrove, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - Irradiation
of a Uranium Silicide Fuel Element Prototype in RA-3 Reactor (A)
R. Calabrese, G. Estryk, and C. Notari, Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Argentina
Research Reactor Analysis
- LEU Conversion
and Assessment Status of U.S. Research and Test Reactors (A,P)
J.E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - An Alternative
LEU Design for the FRM-II (A,P)
N.A. Hanan, S.C. Mo, R.S. Smith and J.E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - HANARO
Nuclear Commissioning Test (A)
Byung Jin Jun, Hark Rho Kim and Ji Bok Lee, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea - Measurement
of Thermal and Fast Neutron Flux Distribution in Initial Core of HANARO (A)
Byung Chul Lee, Hark Rho Kim, Byung Jin Jun, and Ji Bok Lee, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea - Program
of Converting IEA-RI Brazilian Research Reactor form HEU to LEU (A)
J.A. Perotta and P.E. de Oliveira Lainetti, Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, Brazil - Enrichment
Reduction Programme on Research Reactor LVR-15
and Training Reactor VR-1 In Czech Republic (A)
E. Listik, Nuclear Research Institute in Rez
K. Matejka, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic - A Concept
of LEU Pool Type High Flux Research Reactor With Solid Coolant (A)
V. Artamkin and J. Chikhladze, Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, Russian Federation - A Comparison
of the PARET/ANL and RELAP5/MOD3 Codes for the Analysis of IAEA Benchmark
Transients (A,P)
W.L. Woodruff, N.A. Hanan, R.S. Smith and J.E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - Verification
of Computer Codes for Dynamic Processess in Nuclear Reactors against Experiments
at Loop Facility of IGR-1 Pulse Reactor (A)
V.G. Aden, Yu.A. Dolgov, E. Karassev, E.F. Kartashev, and V.D. Pugach, Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, Russian Federation - A Procedure
for Searching the Equilibrium Core of a Research Reactor (A)
B. Arbie and L.P. Hong, Center for Multipurpose Reactor, Pispiptek Complex, Serpong
Prayoto, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia - Criticality
Safety Analysis for MPR Storage Facility (A)
A.M. Hathout and E. Amin, National Centre for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control, Egypt
Mo-99 Production From LEU Fission
- Irradiation
Tests of Mo-99 Isotope Production Targets Employing Uranium Metal Foils
G.L. Hofman, T.C. Wiencek, E.L. Wood, and J.L. Snelgrove, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A.
A. Suripto, H. Nasution, D. Lufti-Amin, and A Gogo, Badan Tenaga Atom National, Indonesia - Progress
in Chemical Treatment of LEU Targets by the Modified Cintichem Process
D. Wu and S. Landsberger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
G.F. Vandegrift, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - Progress
in Alkaline Peroxide Dissolution of Low-Enriched Uranium Metal and Silicide
Tagets (A,P)
L. Chen, D. Dong, B.A. Buchholz, and G.F. Vandegrift, Argonne National Laboratory
D. Wu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A. - Progress
in Dissolving Modified LEU Cintichem Targets (A,P)
R.A. Leonard, L. Chen, C.J. Mertz, and G.F. Vandegrift, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A.
Fuel Cycle
- Supply
of Enriched Uranium for Research Reactors (A)
H. Mueller and J. Laucht, NUKEM GmbH, Germany - Back-end
of the Research Reactor Fuel Cycle(A)
G. J. Gruber, NUKEM GmbH, Germany - Status
and Perspectives of FRG-1 after Conversion to LEU (A)
W. Krull and W. Jager, GKSS, Germany - MTR Spent
Fuel Management for a Steady Back-End (A)
Ph. de l'Epine, COGEMA, France - French
Experience in Research Reactor Fuel Transportation (A)
D. Raisonnier, Transnucleaire, France - Nuclear
Mass Inventory, Photon Dose Rate, and Themal Decay Heat of Spent Research
Reactor Assemblies (A,P)
R.B. Pond and J.E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. - Reprocessing
of LEU Silicide Fuel at Dounrey (A)
P. Cartwright, UKAEA, UK - Guidance
for Shipping Foreign Research Reactor Spent Fuel to U.S.A. (A)
A. Zeitoun, J. Williams and K. Brown, Science Applications International Corporation, USA
K. Chacey, Office of Spent Fuel Management, Department of Energy - Studsvik's
Implementation of the DOE Spent Fuel Return Program: The US Perspective (A)
S. Grover and R.C. Bowser, Studsvik, Incorporated, USA - NAC International
Dry Spent Fuel Transfer Technology (A)
T.A. Shelton, J.P. Malone and J.R. Patterson, NAC International, USA - Final
Disposition of MTR Fuel (A)
E.B. Jonsson, Studsvik Nuclear AB, Sweden - Background
and Planning Requirements for Spent Fuel Shipments to DOE (A)
N. Ravenscroft, Edlow International Co., U.S.A.