Argonne National Laboratory
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
Nuclear Science and Engineering Division at Argonne
U.S. Department of Energy

Home  :: 1996 International RERTR Meeting Program  :: Related Documents

Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1996 International RERTR Meeting


Abe Zeitoun, John Williams, and Keith Brown

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
20201 Century Boulevard
Germantown, Maryland 20874 USA

Kenneth Chacey

Office of Spent Fuel Management
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20585 USA


In May 1996, the Department of Energy, acting with the cooperation of the Department of State, announced adoption of a policy that will have a significant influence on international efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. This policy is concerned with the management of spent nuclear fuel from foreign research reactors. Spent nuclear fuel, unirradiated fuel, and target material accepted under the policy must contain uranium enriched in the U.S. Although such spent fuel will comprise a relatively small part of the Department of Energy's (the Department's) overall inventory of spent nuclear fuel, the policy invokes actions that provide a cornerstone of U.S. nonproliferation activities. Implementation of this policy is now underway. This paper describes the Department's implementation strategy with the emphasis on those actions that will affect foreign research reactor operators.

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An electronic copy of the full paper is not available at this time. If you would like to receive a copy of this paper, please contact the author.

Mr. Abe Zeitoun
Science Applications International Corp.
20201 Century Blvd.
Germantown, MD 20874 USA
Tel.: +1-301-353-8327
Fax: +1-301-428-0145

2016 RERTR Meeting

The 2016 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2016) will take place in Belgium. Stay tuned for further details.

2015 RERTR Meeting

The 2015 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2015) took place in Seoul, Korea on Oct. 11-14, 2015.
For more information visit RERTR-2015.


ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, RERTR Department
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on July 29, 2008 11:34 +0200