Argonne National Laboratory
RERTR 2011
International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
RERTR Program, Nuclear Engineering Division at Argonne
U.S. Department of Energy

RERTR :: 2011 International RERTR Meeting

RERTR-2011 International Meeting


The U.S. Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Global Threat Reduction in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency hosted the “RERTR 2011 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors.” The meeting was organized by Argonne National Laboratory, Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN) and Idaho National Laboratory and was held in Santiago, Chile from October 23-27, 2011. This was the 33rd annual meeting in a series on the same general subject regarding conversion of reactors within the Global Threat Reduction Initiative.

RERTR-2011 was attended by 153 technical and policy experts from twenty-eight countries and the IAEA. The technical program consisted of 87 papers presented in fifteen oral sessions and one poster session during the four-day-long meeting. Policy papers were presented the first day, in particular from the IAEA and NNSA with emphasis on HEU minimization progress and US – Russian cooperation in ongoing research reactor conversion activities. Throughout the week as many as thirty-seven side meetings were held with participants to discuss progress in the respective conversion projects.

The abstracts and full papers are being collected and will be soon available on this web site. Subscribe to our RSS feed to stay informed on future updates.

The RERTR-2011 Organizing Committee would like to thank hosts, sponsors, and participants for making RERTR-2011 such a successful event. Thank you!

» DOWNLOAD: the “Announcement” in PDF format
Posted on: Friday, 12-Aug-2016 14:33:02 CDT  | [ PDF, 127KB]

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Related Documents

The companion documents to the announcement will be available in different formats (HTML, PDF, DOC) for your convenience. Please follow the link below to access the list of currently downloadable documents.

Instructions and Deadlines

An overview of Instructions for Forms and Deadlines can be found at:

Social Program

We will post special hosted events and things to do in Santiago later. For now please check the information in the venue page.

Meeting Venue

The RERTR 2011 International Meeting will be held at the at the Santiago Marriott Hotel in Santiago, Chile.

Meeting Program

The Technical Meeting Program is not available yet .

Technical Tour

An informative technical tour of the CCHEN facility  is planned in the morning of Friday, October 28, 2011. Details will be communicated as soon as available here:

Register for the meeting

RERTR 2011 Organizing Committee

Dr. Jordi Roglans-Ribas (Argonne), Dr. Renato Agurto (CCHEN),  Mr. Pablo Adelfang (IAEA),  Dr. John W. Holland (Argonne), Dr. Eduardo Cortés Toro (CCHEN), Dr. Kenneth Rosenberg (INL), Dr. Ronald B. Turski (Argonne), Ms. Linda Legerski (Argonne)

News Flash

Mar. 20, 2012 - Second Set of RERTR-2011 Papers Available
A second set of 3 papers presented at the RERTR-2011 Meeting in Santiago de Chile is now available: S2-P1 (by S. Sikorin et  al.), S4-P4  (by E. Villarino et  al.) and S5-P5 (by J. Gan et  al.).

Mar. 7, 2012 - First Set of RERTR-2011 Papers Available
A first set of 31 papers presented at the RERTR-2011 Meeting in Santiago de Chile is now available.

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Current local time in Santiago, Chile:


Announcement and related documents:
Related Documents

Keep track of deadlines:
Instructions & Deadlines


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IMPORTANT: The ISMTR International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors planned for Oct. 30 - Nov. 2, 2011 in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina has been cancelled. The decision was taken in view of the adverse conditions in the area caused by the activity of the Puyehue Volcano.

ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, RERTR Department
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on Fri, Aug. 12, 2016