Mar. 20, 2012 -
Second Set of RERTR-2011 Papers Available
A second set of 3 papers presented at the
RERTR-2011 Meeting in Santiago de Chile is now
available: S2-P1 (by S. Sikorin et al.),
S4-P4 (by E. Villarino et al.) and
S5-P5 (by J. Gan et al.). more…
Mar. 7, 2012 -
First Set of RERTR-2011 Papers Available
A first set of 31 papers presented at the
RERTR-2011 Meeting in Santiago de Chile is now
available. more…
IMPORTANT: The ISMTR International
Symposium on Material Testing Reactors planned for Oct. 30 - Nov. 2, 2011 in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina
has been cancelled. The decision was
taken in view of the adverse conditions in the area caused by the activity
of the Puyehue Volcano.