IAEA/USA Interregional course on
Preparations to Ship Spent Nuclear Fuel (1997)
Experience on Wet Storage Spent Fuel Sipping
at IEA-R1 Brazilian Research Reactor
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- Figure 3 - Laboratory System Background Gamma-Ray Spectrum
- Figure 4 - Pool Water Sample Gamma-Ray Spectrum after 30 Hours
- Figure 5 - Pool Water Sample Gamma-Ray Spectrum after 110 Hours
- Figure 6 - Fuel Assemblies Sipping Water Samples Counting Rate, Counts in Cesium-137 Channel
- Figure 7 - Fuel Assemblies Sipping Water Samples Activity Results
- Figure 8 - Sipping Water Sample Gamma-Ray Spectrum, First Sample of Fuel Element Assembly IEA-49
- Figure 9 - Sipping Water Sample Gamma-Ray Spectrum, Second Sample of Fuel Element Assembly IEA-49
- Figure 10 - Sipping Water Sample Gamma-Ray Spectrum, Background of Fuel Element Assembly IEA-53
- Figure 11 - Sipping Water Sample Gamma-Ray Spectrum, Sample of Fuel Element Assembly IEA-53 with Long Resting Time
- Figure 12 - Comparison of the Activity Precision
- Figure 13 - Cs-137 Leaking Rate Determination, Release Ratio of Cs-137, Fuel Element Assembly IEA-53, Data after Cleaning
- Figure 14 - Cs-137 Leaking Rate Determination, Release Ratio of Cs-137, Fuel Element Assembly IEA-53
- Figure 15 - Pitting Corrosion Nodule Gamma-Ray Spectrum of Fuel Element Assembly IEA-53
Mr. Roberto Frajndlich
Divisao de Operacao do reactor IEA-R1
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares
Travessa R 400 - Cidade Universitaria
Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil - 05598/900
Tel.: +55-11-816-9162
Fax: +55-11-816-9432
E-mail: [email protected]
IAEA/USA Interregional Training Course
Technical and Administrative Preparations Required for Shipment of Research Reactor Spent
Fuel to its Country of Origin
13-24 January 1997
Argonne, IL
Experience on Wet Storage Spent Fuel Sipping
at IEA-R1 Brazilian Research Reactor
Paper Written by
J.A.Perrotta; L.A.A.Terremoto; C.A.Zeituni
and Presented by
Roberto Frajndlich
Divisão de Engenharia do Núcleo
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
Travessa R 400 - Cidade Universitária
São Paulo - SP - Brasil - 05598/900
* e.mail - [email protected]
IEA-R1 Research Reactor of Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP) is a pool type reactor of B&W design operating since 1957 at 2 MW of power. Irradiated fuels have been stored at the facility along the various years of operation. Nowadays there are 40 spent fuel assemblies at dry storage, 79 spent fuel assemblies at wet storage and 30 fuel assemblies in core. The oldest fuels are of USA origin, made with U-Al alloy both of LEU and HEU MTR fuel type. Many of these fuel assemblies present corrosion pits along lateral fuel plates. These pits have their origin by galvanic corrosion between fuel plate and stainless steel storage rack although the excellent pool water characteristic would inhibit this occurrence of corrosion. Radiological analysis of pool water have been indicating low activity of 137Cs. According to the decision to send back the old fuels to USA, sipping tests with spent fuel assemblies were performed in order to evaluate their 137Cs leaking rate, if any. This paper describes the procedure and methodology used to perform sipping test with the fuel assemblies at the storage pool, and presents the results obtained for the 137Cs sipping water activity for each fuel assembly. Discussion is made correlating corrosion pits to the activity values measured. A 137Cs leaking rate is determined which can be compared to the criteria established for canning spent fuel assemblies before shipment.