Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
2005 International RERTR Meeting
The 27th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) was held in Boston, USA on November 6-10, 2005. The available abstracts and papers that were presented at this meeting are provided below.
Opening Remarks
- S1-1 Overview of GTRI Strategic Policy
A. Bieniawski - S1-2 Opening Remarks - IAEA
H. Forström
Reduced Enrichment and Repatriation Programs
- S2-1 The RERTR Program: Status and Current
P. Staples - S2-2
Latest IAEA Activities Related to Research Reactor
Fuel Conversion and Spent Fuel Return Programs
P. Adelfang - S2-3 Progress on RERTR Activities in
H. Taboada, S. Balart, N. Boero, O. Calzetta, A. Gauna, J. Hermida, A. Manzini, and E. Pasqualini - S2-4
Status of Reduced Enrichment Program for Research
Reactors in Japan
Y. Nakagome, H. Unesaki, and H. Sagawa - S2-5 South Africa and the SAFARI-1
Scenario: On The Road to Conversion - from HEU to LEU
C. Piani - S2-6
The United States Foreign Research Reactor Spent
Nuclear Fuel Acceptance Program: Program Continuation
and Current Initiatives
C. Messick and J. Taylor - S2-7
RRRFR Program
I. Bolshinsky
Related Programs
- S3-1 Filling the Gaps
P. Khalsa - S3-2 Disposition Options for GAP Materials
J. Dewes - S3-3 Global Research Reactor Security
P. Robinson
Reactor Conversion Experience
- S4-1 Safety Re-evaluation and Relicensing
of the HFR Petten
F. Wijtsma - S4-2 Sparrow Flies Lower
R. Skoda - S4-3 Criticality Calculations and Transient
Analyses for the VR-1 Reactor with IRT-4M LEU Fuel
J. Rataj - S4-4 The First Critical Experiment with a
LEU Russian Fuel IRT-4M at the Training Reactor VR-1
L. Sklenka and K. Matejka
Fuel Development Programs
- S5-1 Status and Progress of the U.S. RERTR
Fuel Development Program
M. Meyer - S5-2 Main Results of the Development of LEU
Fuel for Russian Research Reactors
A. Vatulin, I. Dobrikova, A. Morozov, and V. Suprun - S5-3 Staus of the French CEA Program for
the Development and the Qualification of High Density
Fuel for the JHR Project
P. Lemoine
U-Mo Fuel Development and Testing
- S6-1
Irradiation Testing of High Density U-Mo Fuels in the
D. Wachs, G. Chang, R. Ambrosek, and M. Meyer - S6-2
Results of Post Irradiation Examinations of Pin Type
Low Enriched U-Mo Mini Fuel Elements
A. Izhutov, A. Novosyolov, V. Shishin, V. Alexandrov, N. Gataulin, V. Starkov, G. Shevlyakov, V. Yakovlev, and A. Sheldyakov and I. Dobrikova, A. Vatulin, G. Kulakov, and A. Morozov - S6-3 Progress of KOMO-3 Irradiation Test
for Various U-Mo Dispersion and Monolithic Fuel to
Overcome Interaction Problem in U-Mo/Al Dispersion
C. Kim, K. Kim, J. Park, H. Ryu, Y. Lee, D. Lee, S. Oh, H. Chae, C. Seo, and C. Lee - S6-4 Test of Pin Fuel in WWW-M Reactor
A. Zakharov, G. Kirsanov, K. Konoplev, and A. Morozov - S13-1
Observations of the Nucleation and Evolution of
Porosity in U-Mo Fuels
G. Hofman and M. Finlay - S13-2
Out-of-Pile Diffusion Studies Between
U-7wt%Mo and Al-Si Alloys
M. Mirandou, S. Aricó, L. Gribaudo, and S. Balart - S13-3
Phase Stability and Diffusion Characteristics of
U-Mo-X (X=Si, Al, Zr or Ti) Alloys
J. Park, H. Ryu, G. Lee, H. Kim Y. Lee, C. Kim, and Y. Kim and G. Hofman - S13-4 Study of UMo/Al Interaction Layer by
XRD and XAS with Micro-Focused X-Ray Beam
H. Palancher, P. Martin, M. Ripert, S. Dubois, and C. Valot, and C. Proyne and F. Mazaudier - S14-1
Heavy Ion
Irradiation of U-Mo/Al Dispersion Fuel
N. Wieschalla, A. Bergmaier, P. Bonib, K. Boning, G. Dollinger, R. Grossmann, W. Petry, A. Rohrmoser, and J. Schneider - S14-2
Effects of Additives in the Al Interdiffusion Behavior
in UMo Based Fuels
J. Garces, G. Bozzolo, G. Hofman, and J. Rest - S14-3
Thermodynamic and Metallurgical Considerations to
Stabilizing the Interaction Layers of U-Mo/Al
Dispersion Fuel
Y. Kim - S14-4
Main Interactions in the Formation Energy of BCC Gamma
(U,Mo) Disordered Phase
P. Alonso and G. Rubiolo
U.S. Reactor Conversion
- S7-1 Domestic Reactor Conversions
Program Overview and Status
D. Meyer and J. Wade - S7-2 Florida
B. Dionne - S7-3 HEU to LEU Conversion Analysis
of the Texas A&M TRIGA Reactor
J. Bolin, W. Whittemore, C. Ellis, H. Yi, A. Veca - S7-4 Advanced Test Reactor LEU Fuel
Conversion Feasibility Study
G. Chang and R. Ambrosek - S7-5 Overview
of High Flux Isotope Reactor Design Bases Relevant to
Possible Conversion to Low-enriched Uranium
R. Primm III, D. Moses, J. Gehin, R. Ellis, and J. Binder
Mo-99 Production
- S8-1 Facts and Myths Concerning
Production with HEU and LEU Targets
G. Vandegrift - S8-2 The
Radiopharmaceutical Industry's Effort to Migrate
Towards Mo-99 Production Utilizing LEU
R. Brown - S8-3 Radionuclide
Purity of Fission Mo-99 Produced from LEU and HEU: A
Comparative Study
A. Durán - S8-4 Weaker
U.S. Export Controls on Bomb-Grade Uranium: Causes,
Consequences, Prospects
A. Kuperman - S8-5 Progress in Technology
Development for Conversion of 99Mo Production - Batan's (Indonesia) Conversion program and Development
of Inorganic Sorbents for 99Mo Production
A. Bakel, D. Stepinski, G. Vandegrift, A. Leyva, A. Gelis, A. Bond, and H. Mayes - S8-6 The
IAEA Coordinated Research Project on Molybdenum-99
Production Using LEU or Neutron Activation
I. Goldman and P. Adelfang
Program Extensions
- S9-1
The RERTR Current Scope of Work for Reactor
C. Landers - S9-2
About the Enrichment Limit for Research Reactor
Conversion: Why 20%?
A. Glaser - S9-3
Future Needs
for HEU-fueled Critical Assemblies
F. Von Hippel - S9-4
Assessment of Feasibility of Converting Russian
Icebreaker KLT-40 Reactors from HEU to LEU Fuel
A. Dmitriev, A. Diakov, and A. Shuvaev
- S10-1 The Feasibility Study of LEU Fuel for
Miniature Neutron Source Reactor
L. Yiguo and X. Pu - S10-2
Feasibility Study of Potential LEU Fuels for a Generic
MNSR Reactor
J. Matos and R. Lell - S10-3 The Use of UAlx-Al Reduced Enrichment
Fuel in a Well Reflected MNSR
M. Albarhoum - S10-4
Current Status of the Nigeria MNSR (NIRR-1) and
Feasibility for Conversion to LEU
S. Jonah and G. Balogun - S10-5 Monte Carlo Simulation of Irradiation
Channels of the HEU-fueled GHARR-1 Facility
S. Anim-Sampong, B. Maakuu, E. Akaho, and B. Nyarko - S10-6 Enhancement of Pakistan Research
Reactor-2 Reactivity by Beryllium Shim Plate Addition
and Comparison of Pre-shimming and Post-shimming
Reactor Operation Data
M. Abdullah - S11-1 Comparative Analysis for Loading LEU
Instead of HEU Fuel Assemblies in the Dalat Nuclear
Research Reactor
V. Le, T. Huynh, B. Luong, and V. Pham and J. Liaw and J. Matos - S11-2
Analysis for Conversion of the WWR-K Reactor Using an
Eight-Tube Uranium Dioxide Fuel Assembly
F. Arinkin, P. Chakrov, L. Chekushina, I. Dobrikova, Sh. Gizatulin, K. Kadyrzhanov, S. Koltochnik, V. Nasonov, A. Taliev, A. Vatulin, Zh. Zhotabaev, and N. Hanan - S11-3
Completion of
the Safety Analysis for the WWR-M Reactor in Ukraine
to Allow Operation Using LEU Fuel
Y. Mahlers and A. Dyakov - S16-1 Core Conversion of the Portuguese Research Reactor: An Operator's Perspective J. Marques et al.
- S16-2
Parameters of Tajoura Research Reactor Fueled with HEU
and LEU
O. Abulgasem, F. Abuatweirat, and A. Ajaj - S16-3
Progress in
Conversion from HEU to LEU Fuel at IRT-200, Sofia
T. Apostolov, S. Belousov, P. Egorenkov, and J. Deen, N. Hanan, and J. Matos - S16-4
Study of the WWR-K Reactor Using Low Enriched U-Mo
Fuel Pin- and Tube-Type Assemblies
F. Arinkin, P. Chakrov, L. Chekushina, I. Dobrikova, Sh. Gizatulin, K. Kadyrzhanov, S. Koltochnik. V. Nasonov, A. Taliev, A. Vatulin, Zh. Zhotabaev
Fuel Fabrication
- S15-1
Update on Monolithic Fuel Fabrication Development
C. Clark, J. Wight, G. Knighton, G, Moore, and J. Jue - S15-2 Monolithic U-Mo Full Size Prototype
Plates Manufacturing Development
C. Jarousse, P. Lemoine, W. Petry, and A. Rohrmoser - S15-3
Dispersed (Coated Particles) and
Monolithic (Zircalloy-4 Cladding) UMo Miniplates
E. Pasqualini - S15-4 Recent Developments of Magnesium
Matrix Fuel Plates
T. Wiencek - S15-5
BWXT Commercialization Activities for GTRI LEU U-Mo
M. Nilles, G. Gale, and R. Kunz
Spent Fuel Management
- S17-1 Successful Removal of More Than 200
Spent HEU Fuel Assemblies from the High Flux Reactor
at Petten
C. Anne, F. Wijtsma, F. de Smedt, and A. Gevers - S17-2 Options for the Management of Spent
Fuel from Research Reactors in Latin American
Countries - A Report from the IAEA Technical
Cooperation Regional Project RLA/4/018
A. Bevilacqua, O. Novara, A. Soares, J. Klein, R. Mazon, I. Llamas, and P. Adelfang - CS17-3
Containment Evaluation of
Breached AL-SNF for Cask Transport
D. Vinson, R. Sindelar, and N. Iyer
- S12-1 RERTR Program Cooperation with the IAEA Technical
Cooperation Program
D. Chong - S12-2 Lessons from
the Atoms-for-Peace Research Reactor Fuels Program,
S. Zinkle, D. Moses, T. Huxford, and J. Binder - S12-3 Under
Irradiation Qualification of a Chilean Test Fuel
J. Marin, J. Lisboa, and L. Olivares - S12-4 Effect of Reaction Phase Growth on the Irradiation
Performance of Rod-type U-Mo/Al Dispersion Fuel
H.J. Ryu, J. Park, H. Chae, C. Kim, Y. Kim, and G. Hofman - S12-5
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Formation of
Porosity and Bulges in U-Mo Fuel
A. Savchenko, A. Vatulin, I. Dobrikova, G. Kulakov, S. Ershov, Y. Konovalov - S12-6 First
Principles Calculations of Lattice Parameter and
Elastic Constant of BCC Gamma(U, Mo) Disordered Phase
P. Gargano, P. Alonso, H. Mosca, J. Rios, M. Albuixech, and G. Rubiolo - S12-7
Monolithic Fuel Plates Diffusion Bonded by
I. Prokofiev - S12-8 Calculation Studies on Conversion to Low Enriched
Fuel of Research Reactor in Libya
V. Lukichev, V. Aden, E. Kartashev, …,S. Sokolov, and V. Nikitin - S12-9 Using
Low-Enriched Uranium in the VNIIIEF Pulsed Reactors
A. Dubinin - S12-10
Study on Usage of Low Enriched Uranium Russian
Type Fuel Elements for Design of an Experimental ADS
Research Reactor
M. Pesic - S12-11
Achieved for the Full Conversion - from HEU to LEU -
of the TRIGA 14 MV Research Reactor Core at Pitesti,
A. Atger, L. Biro, I. Bolshinsky, M. Ciocanescu, and J. Falgoux