FederalState Unitary Enterprise
A.A. Bochvar All-Russia
Research Institute of Inorganic Materials
123060 Moscow, VNIINM, P.B.
369, Rogova St., 5a
of hydride-dehydride processing for comminution of U-Mo alloys with Mo content
in the range 1.9 ÷ 9.2% have been performed. Some regularities of the process
as a function of Mo content have been determined as well as some parameters
elaborated. Hydride-dehydride processing has been shown to provide necessary
phase and chemical compositions of U-Mo fuel granules to be used in disperse
fuel elements for research reactors.
Pin type disperse mini-fuel elements for irradiation tests
in the loop of “MIR” reactor (Dmitrovgrad) have been fabricated using U-Mo LEU
fuel granules obtained by hydride-dehydride processing. Irradiation tests of
these mini-fuel elements loaded to 4 g Utot/cm3 are
planned to start by the end of this year.