Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
2002 International RERTR Meeting
Francisco Leszczynski*
Bariloche Atomic
National Atomic
Energy Comission
*working as Coordinator of the last part of the project, under IAEA-CRP
WIMS-D is one of the few reactor lattice codes that are in the public domain and therefore are available on non-commercial terms, for research and power nuclear reactor calculations. The main weakness of the WIMS-D package is its multi-group constants library, which is based on very old data. Relatively good performance of WIMS-D is attributed to a series of empirical adjustments to the multi-group data. However, the adjustments are not always justified by more accurate and recent experimental measurements. In view of the recently available new, or revised, evaluated nuclear data files it was felt that the performance of WIMS-D could be improved by updating its library. The WIMS-D Library Update Project (WLUP) was initiated in the early 1990´s and finished in 2001. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) supported its co-ordination, but the project itself consisted of voluntary contributions from a large number of participants. In due course, several benchmarks for testing the library were identified and analyzed, the WIMSR module of the NJOY code system was upgraded, a detailed parametric study was performed to investigate the effects of various data processing input options on integral results and, the data processing methods for the main reactor materials were optimized. The final product, available on CD-ROM from NDS-IAEA includes: 69 and 172 group WIMSD libraries prepared from the selected evaluated data files, IAEA-TECDOC with detailed documentation, Processing inputs, Benchmark inputs and, the system of auxiliary codes developed under the project.
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Mr. Francisco Leszczynski
Avda. Bustillo 9500
8400 San Carlos de
Pcia. Río Negro, Argentina
Phone: (54 2944)
Fax: (54 2944)
E-mail: [email protected]