Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 2002 International RERTR Meeting
Carlos Henríquez, Gustavo Navarro, Claudio
Pereda, Hugo Torres, Luis Peña, Juan Klein, Domingo Calderón
Unidad de Reactores, Reactor La Reina
(RECH-1), Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear, Amunategui 95, Casilla 188-D,
Santiago de Chile.
Abraham J. Kestelman
Laboratorio de Análisis por Activación
Neutrónica, Centro Atómico Bariloche e Instituto Balseiro. 8400 Bariloche –
The Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission has decided to produce LEU
fuel elements for the RECH-1 research reactor. During December 1998, the Fuel
Fabrication Plant delivered the first four fuel elements, called leaders, to
the RECH-1 reactor. The set was introduced into the reactor’s core, following
the normal routine, but performing a special follow-up on their behavior inside
and outside the core. In order to measure the burn-up of the leader fuel
elements, it was decided to develop a burn-up measurements system to be
installed into the RECH-1 reactor pool, and to decline the use of a similar
system, which operates in a hot cell. The main reason to build this facility
was to have the capability to measure the burn-up of fuel elements without
waiting for long decay period. This paper gives a brief description of the facility
to measure the burn-up of spent fuel elements installed into the reactor pool,
showing the preliminary obtained spectra and briefly discussing them.