Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 2000 International RERTR Meeting
Development Program for Umo Fuel: Status as of October 2000
H. Vacelet (CERCA),
A. Languille (CEA), E. Le Borgne (Technicatome), JM. Hamy (Framatome),
JL. Guillet (Cogema)
The first part of the UMo development
program that has been launched in France is focused on full-sized plates
fabrication and irradiation. Full sized plates with high densities of LEU have
been manufactured by CERCA. This paper
includes a presentation of the manufacturing results.
plates are irradiated in two reactors: OSIRIS for the standard conditions, and HFR for severe conditions.
irradiation in the OSIRIS reactor is nearly completed. The irradiation conditions are presented in
this appear as well as the swelling measurement results.
result of the two first cycle in the HFR reactor are given. The general planning of the development is
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The full paper will be available in PDF format, when paper
is received from author.
Contact: Ms.
Hélène Vacelet
Research &
Development Manager
BP 1114
26104 Romans Cédex, France