Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 2000 International RERTR Meeting
The Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Conversion from HEU to LEU Fuel
T. Tehan, Ph.D.
Director, Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center
Narragansett, Rhode Island
The 2 MW Rhode Island Nuclear
Science Center (RINSC) open pool reactor was converted from 93% UAL-High
Enriched Uranium (HEU) fuel to 20% enrichment U3Si2-Al Low Enriched Uranium (LEU)
fuel. The conversion included redesign
of the core to a more compact size and the addition of beryllium reflectors and
a beryllium flux trap. A significant
increase in thermal flux level was achieved due to greater neutron leakage in
the new compact core configuration. Following the conversion, a second cooling
loop and an emergency core cooling system were installed to permit operation at
5 MW. After re licensing at 2 MW, a power upgrade request will be submitted to
the NRC.