Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 2000 International RERTR Meeting
D.F. Sears and N. Wang
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Fuel Development Branch
Chalk River Laboratories
Chalk River, Ontario K0J 1J0
paper reviews recent U3Si2 and U-Mo dispersion fuel
development activities at AECL. The
scope of work includes fabrication development, irradiation testing,
post-irradiation examination and performance qualification. U-Mo alloys with a variety of compositions,
ranging from 6 to 10 wt % Mo, have been fabricated with high purity and
homogeneity in the product. The alloys
and powders were characterized using optical and scanning electron microscopy,
chemical analysis, and X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction analysis. U-Mo powder samples have been supplied to
the Argonne National Laboratory for irradiation testing in the ATR
reactor. Low-enriched uranium fuel
elements containing U-7 wt % Mo and U-10 wt % Mo with loadings up to 4.5 gU/cm3
have been fabricated at CRL for irradiation testing in the NRU reactor. The U-Mo fuel elements will be tested in NRU
at linear powers up to 145 kW/m, and to 85 atom % 235U burnup.
Contact: Mr.
David F. Sears
Section Head
Research Reactor Development
Atomic Energy of Canada
Chalk River Labs
Chalk River, Ontario
Canada KOJ IJO