Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 2000 International RERTR Meeting
Observation on the
Irradiation Behavior of U-Mo Alloy Dispersion Fuel
Gerard L. Hofman,
Mitchell K. Meyer
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass
Argonne, IL 60439
Jong-Man Park
Korea Atomic Energy
Research Institute
150 Dukjin-Dpong, Yusong-Ku
Taejon, South Korea
Initial results from the postirradiation
examination of high-density dispersion fuel test RERTR-3 are discussed. The U-Mo alloy fuels in this test were
irradiated to 40% U-235 burnup at temperature ranging from 140ēC to 240ēC. Temperature has a significant effect on
overall swelling of the test plates. The magnitude of the swelling appears acceptable and no unstable irradiation
behavior is evident.