Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 1999 International RERTR Meeting
Peng Feng, Fu Rong
Nuclear Power Institute of China
P. O. Box 291 Chengdu, 610005 P. R. China
The FG2DB two dimensional two
group diffusion/burnup code and the CELL few group cell parameter code with 69
groups neutron cross section database have been used for reduced enrichment
neutronic study on high power research reactor with LEU fuel elements of
uranium density 3.6 - 7.2 g/cm3 and cladding thickness 0.38 -
0.56 mm. Results show the equivalence
of fuel meat uranium density on the thickness changing. Control rod worth and other operation safety
parameters of core are acceptable. Parts of the results have been fitted to linear or quadratic expression
for easy application. The minimum
critical value, excess reactivity, cycle length, fast and thermal fluxes and
integrated fluxes, etc. are given. Analysis of these parameters shows that with the U-235 content increased
by 20% or more, the LEU core main physical characteristics are similar to those
of the HEU core; reduced enrichment almost has no influence on the fast neutron
flux; the decreasing rate of the thermal neutron fluxes proportional
approximately to the increasing rate of the U-235 content in fuel element;
because of the cycle length prolonging, common radioisotope production and fuel
element irradiation testing are apparently not influenced.