Argonne National Laboratory
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
Nuclear Science and Engineering Division at Argonne
U.S. Department of Energy

Home  :: 1999 International RERTR Meeting Program  :: Related Documents

Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1999 International RERTR Meeting

BWX Technologies Progress with
Reduced Enrichment Fuel Production

Brett W. Pace, Senior Engineer, Engineering

Edward A. Marinak, Principle QC Engineer


BWX Technologies Inc. (BWXT) has experienced several production improvements over the past year.  The homogeneity yields in 4.8 gU/cc U3Si2 plates have increased over last year’s already high yields. Through teamwork and innovative manufacturing techniques, maintaining high quality surface finishes on plates and elements is becoming easier and less expensive. Currently, BWXT is designing a fabrication development plan to reach a fuel loading of 9 gU/cc within 2 - 4 years.  This development will involve a step approach requested by ANL to produce plates using U-8Mo at a loading of 6 gU/cc first and qualify the fuel at those levels.  In achieving the goal of a very high-density fuel loading of 9 gU/cc, BWXT is considering employing several new, state of the art, ultrasonic testing techniques for fuel core evaluation.

PDF version available
DOWNLOAD full paper in PDF format.

Brett W. Pace
Senior Engineer
BWX Technologies, Inc
P.O. Box 785
Lynchburg, VA  24505-0785 USA

Phone:  1 804 522 6866
Fax:      1 804 522 6992
E-mail:  [email protected]

2016 RERTR Meeting

The 2016 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2016) will take place in Belgium. Stay tuned for further details.

2015 RERTR Meeting

The 2015 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2015) took place in Seoul, Korea on Oct. 11-14, 2015.
For more information visit RERTR-2015.


ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, RERTR Department
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on July 29, 2008 11:34 +0200