Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 1999 International RERTR Meeting
In-reactor Performances at Low Temperature of U-10wt.%Mo Dispersion Fuel Containing
Centrifugally Atomized Powder
Ki-Hwan Kim, Jong-Man
Park, Chang-Kyu Kim
Korea Atomic Energy Research
Taejon, Korea
G. L. Hofman, M. E.
Meyer, J. L. Snelgrove
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois, USA
In order to examine the in-reactor
performances of very-high-density dispersion fuels for high flux performance
research reactors, U-10wt.%Mo microplates containing centrifugally atomized
powder have been irradiated at low temperature. The U-10wt.%Mo dispersion fuels show stable in-reactor
irradiation behaviors even at high burn-up, similar to U3Si2 dispersion
fuels. The atomized U-10wt.%Mo fuel particles have a fine, uniform fission gas
bubble size distribution. Moreover, only
one third areas of the atomized fuel cross-sections at 70at.% burn-up show
fission gas bubble-free zones. This
appears the result of segregation into high Mo and low Mo.