Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1999 International RERTR Meeting
Status in 1999 of the High Flux Reactor Fuel Cycle
J. Guidez, A. Gevers, G. Sordon: JRC
P.J.M. Thijssen, J.A. Hendriks, F.J. Wijtsma: NRG
Paper to be presented at the 22nd International Meeting
on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test
Reactors (RERTR)
October 3-8, 1999
Budapest, Hungary
The High Flux Reactor located at Petten (The Netherlands) is owned by the European Commission and is operated under contract by NRG (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group).
This plant is in operation since 1962 using HEU. In 1998/1999 calculations were made with a parametric study to try to optimise a LEU element for a progressive conversion of the plant. The parameters of the study were the number of plates by element, the density of the fuel (from silicide 4.8 g/cm3 to UMo 9.1 g/cm3), the meat thickness and the type and quantity of the burnable poison.
The optimum fuel element presented is of 4.8 g/cm3 silicide LEU. The use of this element induces only small penalties on thermal fluxes (less than 5%), enables a longer cycle (28.3 operating days instead of 24.7 operating days in the current HEU cycle length) and complies with all thermal-hydraulic criteria as presently applied for the HEU core.
A working plan has begun with the safety authorities for licensing this new fuel element and the main lines of this plan are also presented.
For the UMo possibilities, a presentation is made of the first calculation results. Test on UMo with a special irradiation device, will also begin and are presented.
For the back-end of the fuel cycle, this paper presents the interim storage in the pools of the plant, and the transportation possibilities to a dry storage.
In conclusion, great progress has been made during this year for a conversion of the plant and for the improvement of MTR fuel in the future.
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Joel Guidez
Unit/IAM/JRC Petten site
Box 2-1755 ZG Petten, the Netherlands
Fax: 31 224561449