Argonne National Laboratory
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
Nuclear Science and Engineering Division at Argonne
U.S. Department of Energy

2007 International RERTR Meeting

Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the Meeting

Progress in Chile in the Development of the Fission Mo-99 Production Using modified CINTICHEM

R. Schrader, J. Klein, J. Medel, J. Marín, N. Salazar, M. Barrera, C. Albornoz,
M. Chandía, X. Errazu, R. Becerra, G. Sylvester, J.C. Jiménez, E. Vargas
Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission, CCHEN, Amunátegui 95
Santiago - Chile
*Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Valparaíso - Chile


Fission 99Mo will be produced in Chile irradiating low-enriched uranium (LEU) foil in a MTR research reactor. For the purpose of developing the capability to fabricate the target, which is done of uranium foil enclosed in swaged concentric aluminum tubes, dummy targets are being fabricated using 130 μm copper foil instead of the uranium foil, wrapped in a 14μm nickel fission-recoil barrier.

Dummy targets using several dimensions of copper foil have been assembled; however, the emphasis is being set in targets fabricated using the dimensions of the LEU foil that KAERI will provide, i.e. 50 mm×100 mm×0.130 mm. The assembling of target using the last dimensions has not been free of difficulties.

Neutronic calculations and preliminary thermal and fluid analyses were performed to estimate the fission products activity and the heat removal capability for a 13 grams LEU-foil annular target, which will be irradiated in the RECH-1 research reactor at the level power of 5 MW during 48 hours.

In a fume hood, Cintichem processing of natural uranium shavings with the addition of different carriers were performed, obtaining recovery over 90% of the added Mo carrier. Expertise has been gained in (a) foil dissolution process in a dissolver locally designed, (b) in Mo precipitation process, and (c) preparation of the purification columns with AgC, C and HZrO.

Additionally, the irradiated target cutting machine with an innovative design was finally assembled.

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Dr. Jordi Roglans-Ribas
Technical Director, RERTR Department
Nuclear Engineering Division – 362
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Fax:  +1 630-252-5161

2016 RERTR Meeting

The 2016 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2016) will take place in Belgium. Stay tuned for further details.

2015 RERTR Meeting

The 2015 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2015) took place in Seoul, Korea on Oct. 11-14, 2015.
For more information visit RERTR-2015.


ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, RERTR Department
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on July 29, 2008 16:02 +0200