2007 International RERTR Meeting
Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the Meeting
The Physics Experimental Study for In-hospital Neutron Irradiator
L. Yiguo, X. Pu, Z.
Shuyun, Z. Yongbao, L. Zheng, Z. Wuqing, S. Yongqian, G.
Jijin, Z. Yongmao
China Institute of Atomic Energy
Beijing,102413,P.O.Box 275-75,China
MNSRS (Miniature Neutron Source Reactor) are low power research reactors designed and manufactured by China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). MNSRS are mainly used for NAA, training and teaching, testing of nuclear instrumentation. The first MNSR, the prototype MNSR, was put into operation in 1984, later, eight other MNSRS had been built both at home and abroad. For MNSRS, highly enriched uranium(90%) is used as the fuel material.
The In-hospital neutron irradiator (IHNI) is designed for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) based on Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR).
On the both sides of the reactor core, there are two neutron beams, one is thermal neutron beam , and the other opposite to the thermal beam, is epithermal neutron beam. A small thermal neutron beam is specially designed for the measurement of blood boron concentration by the prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGNAA).
In this paper, the experimental results of critical mass, worth of the top Be reflectors, worth of the control rod, neutron flux distribution and other components worth were measured, the experiment was done on the Zero Power Experiment equipment of MNSR.
Full paper in PDF format
- The Physics
Experimental Study for In-hospital Neutron Irradiator,
L. Yiguo et al.
[PDF, 207KB, 5 pages]
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Dr. Jordi Roglans-Ribas
Technical Director, RERTR Department
Nuclear Engineering Division – 362
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Fax: +1 630-252-5161