2006 International RERTR Meeting
Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the Meeting
Progress in Technology Development for 99Mo Isotope Production
C.Toma, C. Iorgulis, P.
Busuioc, Gh. Negut, St. Covaci
Institute for Nuclear Research, Str. Campului Nr.1
Mioveni, Romania
To obtain new revenue streams for the nuclear research reactor and desiring to serve the nation's needs by providing radioisotopes to the Romanian market, the Institute for Nuclear Research at Pitesti, Romania decided to implement the technology for 99Mo isotope production using LEU metal foil target and the modified Cintichem process. To accomplish this task, Romania is participating in IAEA Co-ordinated Research Project (T.1.20.18) "Developing techniques for small scale indigenous Molybdenum 99 production using Low Enriched Uranium fission or neutron activation".
The paper will present activities and the results obtained in the first year by the Institute for Nuclear Research. Activities were focused on: performing calculation for modeling of the target and irradiation device; designing target, irradiation device, and adequate equipment or tools for processing; fabrication of certain devices; design modifications of an existing radiochemical cell in order to accommodate entire process; developing a cooperation and partnering with other institutions to align with other researches that are proceeding for dispensing the product.
Full paper in PDF format
- Progress in
Technology Development for 99Mo Isotope Production,
C. Toma et al.
[PDF, 196KB, 10 pages]
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Dr. Jordi Roglans-Ribas
Technical Director, RERTR Department
Nuclear Engineering Division – 362
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Fax: +1 630-252-5161