Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1997 International RERTR Meeting
Reaction of Unirradiated
High-Density Fuel
with Aluminum
T. C. Wiencek, M. K. Meyer, I. G. Prokofiev and D. D. Keiser
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne IL, USA
Excellent dispersion fuel performance requires that fuel particles remain stable and do not react significantly with the surrounding aluminum matrix. A series of high-density fuels, which contain uranium densities >12 g/cm3, have been fabricated into plates. As part of standard processing, all of these fuels were subjected to a blister anneal of 1 h at 485_° C. Changes in plate thickness were measured and evaluated. From these results, suppositions about the probable irradiation properties of these fuels have been proposed. In addition, two fuels, U-10 wt% Mo and U2Mo, were subjected to various heat treatments and were found to be very stable in an aluminum matrix. On the basis of the experimental data, hypotheses of the irradiation behavior of these fuels are presented.
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Thomas Wiencek
Engineering Specialist
Energy Technology
Argonne National
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439 USA
Phone: (630)
(630) 252-9232