Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1997 International RERTR Meeting
Status of the TRIGA Shipments to the INEEL from Europe
Michael J. Tyacke, LMITCO
Robert C. Stump, DOE-ID
Tracy Mustin, DOE-HQ
- 1999 shipment from 4 European countries, involving 4 research reactors. The research reactors and countries are ENEA of Italy, ICN of Romania, IJS of Slovenia, and MHH of Germany.
Unique Challenges
- first shipment to the INEEL from the east coast of the United States
- Need to identify a transportation route and working with the states, tribes and local governments to ensure that adequate public safety and security planning is done and followed
- first shipment to INEEL involving both high-income and less-than-high-income countries in one shipment. There is an opportunity to save a significant amount of money for both DOE and the high-income countries by cooperating and coordinating the shipments together.
- First shipment to INEEL of mixed TRIGA SNF and more than one shipping cask type. This shipment will include a mixture of LEU, HEU, aluminum clad, stainless steel clad, and Incoloy clad rods. INEEL will need to prepare the safety documentation, procedures, and make equipment and facility modifications necessary to handle the different fuel and cask types.
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Mr. Michael J. Tyacke
PO Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID 83415, USA
Tel.: 208-526-1601
Fax: 208-526-5183
E-mail: [email protected]