Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1997 International RERTR Meeting
Kraig M. Wendt, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co., P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, Idaho
John Jefimoff, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co., P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Alan K. Robb, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co., P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, Idaho
IR. Syarip, (BATAN) Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Teuku Alfa, (BATAN) Bandung, Indonesia
This paper describes the Training, Research, Isotope, General Atomics (TRIGA) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) examination performed by technical personnel from the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) at the Bandung and Yogyakarta research reactor facilities in Indonesia. The examination was required before the SNF would be accepted for transportation to and storage at the INEEL. This paper delineates the Initial Preparations prior to the Indonesian foreign research reactor (FRR) fuel examination. The technical basis for the examination, the TRIGA SNF Acceptance Criteria, and the physical condition required for transportation, receipt and storage of the TRIGA SNF at the INEEL is explained. In addition to the initial preparations, preparation descriptions of the Work Plan For TRIGA Fuel Examination, the Underwater Examination Equipment used, and personnel Examination Team Training are included. Finally, the Fuel Examination and Results of the aluminum and stainless steel clad TRIGA fuel examination have been summarized. Lessons Learned from all the activities completed to date is provided in an addendum.
The initial preparations included: (1) coordination between the INEEL, FRR or Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional (BATAN), DOE-HQ, and the U. S. State Department and Embassy; (2) incorporating Savannah River Site (SRS) FRR experience and lessons learned; (3) collecting both FRR facility and spent fuel data, and issuing a radionuclide report (Radionuclide Mass Inventory, Activity, Decay Heat, and Dose Rate Parametric Data for TRIGA Spent Nuclear Fuels) needed for transportation and fuel acceptance at the INEEL; and (4) pre-examination work at the research reactor for the fuel examination.
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Mr. Kraig Wendt
PO Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID 83415, USA