Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1997 International RERTR Meeting
RERTR Fuel Fabrication Glovebox
and Facility Development
at ANL-W
C. R. Clark, P. A. Hansen, J. D. Lawrence and M. K. Meyer
Engineering Division
Argonne National Laboratory-West
In order to support fuel plate production and physical metallurgy studies at ANL-W for the RERTR program, extensive facility modifications and equipment installation are underway. The particulate nature of the uranium alloys used in the fuel plate production requires glovebox isolation for several of the processing steps. A small glovebox was installed to meet the short-term powder processing needs of the project. A larger glovebox has been designed to handle the expanding needs of the project. In addition, a rolling mill and furnace were installed to allow hot rolling of the fuel plates. An arc-melting furnace will provide feedstock for powder production and metallurgy studies on uranium alloys. Future plans include the potential installation of a gas atomizer to aid in powder production.
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Dr. C. R. Clark
Argonne National Laboratory - West
PO Box 2528
Idaho Falls, IL 83403-2528 USA
Tel.: +1-208-533-7701
Fax: +1-208-533-7701
E-mail: [email protected]