Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1997 International RERTR Meeting
Charles M. Cole, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co.
Willam J. Dirk Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co.
Russel E. Cottam, Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co.
Sam T. Paik Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
This paper describes the Training, Research, Isotope, General Atomics (TRIGA) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) examination at the Seoul and the Taejon Research Reactor Facilities in South Korea. The examination was required before the SNF would be accepted for transportation and storage at the INEEL. The results of the aluminum and stainless steel clad TRIGA fuel examination have been summarized. A description of the examination team training, the examination work plan and examination equipment is also included. This paper also explains the technical basis for the examination and physical condition criteria used to determine what, if any, additional packaging (canning) would be required for transportation and for the receipt and storage of the fuel at the INEEL.
This paper delineates the preparation activities prior to the fuel examinations and includes (1) collecting spent fuel data; (2) preparatory work by the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) for fuel examination: (3) preparation of a radionuclide report, "Radionuclide Mass Inventory, Activity, Decay Heat, and Dose Rate Parametric Data for TRIGA Spent Nuclear Fuels" needed to provide input data for transportation and fuel acceptance at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL); (4) gathering FRR Facility data; (5) preparation of Appendix A; (6) and coordination between the INEEL and KAERI. Included, are the unanticipated conditions encountered in the unloading of fuel from the dry storage casks in Taejon in preparation for examination, a description of the damaged condition of the fuel removed from the casks, and the apparent cause of the damages. Lessons learned from all the activities are also addressed.
A brief description of the preparatory work for the shipment of the spent fuel from Korea to INEEL is included.
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Mr. Charles M. Cole
PO Box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID 83415
Phone 208-526-3421
Fax 208-526-5183
E-mail: [email protected]