Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
1997 International RERTR Meeting
Fuel Element Production at BWX Technologies
Brett Pace
BWX Technologies Inc.
Effective July 1, 1997, the Government Group portion of the Babcock & Wilcox company was incorporated separately to become BWX Technologies, Inc. (BWXT) a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Babcock & Wilcox Company. The names of the divisions and other business units of the former Babcock & Wilcox Government Group (Advanced Systems Operations, Naval Nuclear Fuel Division, and Nuclear Equipment Division) will remain unchanged, but they are now known as divisions or business units of BWXT. The management of all units and their reporting relationships will likewise remain unchanged.
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Mr. B. Pace
BWX Technologies, Inc.
P. O. Box 785
Lynchburg, VA 24505-0785
Tel.: +1-804-522-6866
Fax: +1-804-522-6992
E-mail: [email protected]