Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the
2004 International RERTR Meeting
The 26th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) was held in Vienna, Austria on November 7-12, 2004. The available abstracts and papers that were presented at this meeting are provided below.
- Opening Address
Yuri Sokolov (IAEA, Austria) - Opening Address
Steve Black (DOE, NNSA, USA) - Status and Progress of
the RERTR Program in the Year 2004
A. Travelli (ANL, USA) - IAEA Activities related to Research
Reactor Fuel Conversion and Spent Fuel Return Programs
Ira N. Goldman, Pablo Adelfang and Iain G. Ritchie (IAEA, Austria) - 2004 Status of RERTR Activities of CNEA - Argentina
Audero M, Balart S, Boero N, Cabot P, Manzini A, Pasqualini E, Ruggirello G, Taboada, H (CNEA, Argentina) - Progress with the Australian replacement research
M. I. Ripley, A. Irwin (ANSTO, Australia) - Research Reactors in Austria - Present Situation
H. Böck, A. Musilek, M. Villa (Atominstitut, Austria)
- Post-Irradiation Analysis of Low Enriched U-Mo/Al
Dispersion Fuel Miniplate Tests, RERTR 4 and 5
G.L. Hofman, M.R. Finlay, Y.S. Kim (ANL, USA) -
Test Fuel Irradiation Status Report
J. Marin, J. Lisboa, L. Olivares, J. Chavez (CCHEN, Chile) -
Irradiation Testing and PIE of UMo Fuel at AECL
D. F. Sears (AECL, Canada) -
MTR Fuel Plate
Qualification in OSIRIS Reactor
P. Sacristan, P. Boulcourt, S. Naury, L. Marchand, H. Carcreff, J. Noirot, D. Gallo-Lepage, (CEA, France) -
The VALMONT Experimental Programme for the Neutronic
Qualification of the Umo/Al Fuel for the Jules-Horwitz
C. Döderlein, M. Antony, D. Blanchet, J. Di Salvo, JP. Hudelot, N. Huot, A. Santamarina, P. Sireta, G. Willermoz (CEA, France) -
Irradiation Performance of
U3Si LEU Fuels in HANARO
H.T. Chae, C.S. Lee, I.C. Lim, H. Kim, B.J .Jun, H.R. Kim, J.M. Park, C.K. Kim, C.B. Lee, B.G. Kim, D.S. Sohn (KAERI, Korea) - The Global Threat Reduction Initiative and Conversion of Isotope Production to
LEU Targets
A. J. Kuperman (NCI, USA) -
PIE of the 2nd
Irradiation Test (KOMO-2) for Atomized U-Mo Dispersion
Rod Fuels at KAERI
C.K. Kim, H.J. Ryu, D.B. Lee, S.J Oh, K.H Kim, J.M Park, Y.S. Choo, D.G. Park, H.T. Chae, C.S. Lee, D.S Sohn (KAERI, Korea) -
Course of Pin Fuel Test in WWR-M
Reactor Core
A.S. Zakharov, G.A. Kirsanov, K.A. Konoplev (PNPI, Russia) - An Investigation on the Irradiation
Behavior of Atomized U-Mo/Al Dispersion Rod Fuels
J.M. Park, H.J. Ryu, Y.S. Lee, D.B. Lee, S.J. Oh, B.O. Yoo, Y.H. Jung, D.S. Sohn, and C.K. Kim (KAERI, Korea) -
Update on Fuel Fabrication Development and Testing at
Argonne National Laboratory
C.R. Clark, T.C. Wiencek, M.R. Finlay, R.L. Briggs, D.M. Wachs, S.L Hayes, G.L. Hofman and C.J. Mothershead (ANL, USA) - Increasing
the Performance of U-Mo Fuels
Enrique E. Pasqualini and Marisol López (CAC, Argentina) -
Reaction Layer between
U-7wt%Mo and Al Alloys in Chemical Diffusion Couplers
M. Mirandou, M. Granovsky, M. Ortiz, S. Balart, S. Aricó and L. Gribaudo (CNEA, Argentina) -
Microstructurally-Based Model for the Evolution of
Irradiation-induced recrystallization in U-Mo
monolithic and Al-dispersion fuels
J. Rest (ANL, USA) -
Thermomechanical DART Code
Improvements for LEU VHD Dispersion and Monolithic
Fuel Element Analysis
H. Taboada , R. Saliba, M. Moscarda (CNEA, Argentina), Rest, J (ANL, USA)
- Status of ANSTO Mo-99 Production Using LEU Targets
M. Druce , T. Donlevy , P. Anderson, G. Yeoh, D. Wassink, T Renhart, Ed Bradley (ANSTO, Australia), C. Jarousse, M. Febvre , J. Falgoux , J. Le Pape (CERCA, France) - ANL Progress on the Coopertion with CNEA
for the Mo-99 Production: Base-Side Digestion Process
A.V. Gelis, K. J. Quigley, S. B. Aase, A. J. Bakel, A. Leyva, M. C. Regalbuto, and G. F. Vandegrift (ANL,USA) -
Thermoxid Sorbents for the Separation and Purification
of 99Mo
A. J. Bakel, S. B. Aase, K. J. Quigley, and G. F. Vandegrift (ANL, USA) -
Development of the
Fabrication Technology of Wide Uranium Foils for Mo-99
Irradiation Target by Cooling-roll Casting Method
K. H. Kim, M. K. Son, S. J. Oh, D. B. Lee, B. C. Lee, C. K. Kim and D. S. Sohn (KAERI, Korea) -
Making of
Fission 99Mo from LEU Silicide(s): a Radiochemist’s
Z.I. Kolar and H.Th. Wolterbeek (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) -
Mo-99 Production on a
LEU Solution Reactor
R.W. Brown and L.A. Thome (TCI Medical, USA), V.Y. Khvostionov, (RRC Kurchatov Institute, Russia)
- Analyses for Inserting Fresh LEU Fuel Assemblies
Instead of Fresh HEU Fuel Assemblies in the Dalat
Nuclear Research Reactor in Vietnam
N. A. Hanan, J.R. Deen, and J. E. Matos (ANL, USA) - Progress in Joint Feasibility Study of Conversion
T. Apostolov and S. Belousov (INRNE, Bulgaria), J. R. Deen, N. A. Hanan, and J. E. Matos (ANL,USA) - Feasibility Study of the WWR-K Reactor Conversion to
Low-Enriched Fuel
F. Arinkin, Sh. Gizatulin, Zh. Zhotabaev, K. Kadyrzhanov, S. Koltochnik, P. Chakrov, L. Chekushina (KNNC, Kazakhstan), T. Zhantikin, S. Talanov (KAEC, Kazakhstan) - Feasibility Study for LEU Conversion of
the WWR-K Reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics
in Kazakhstan Using a 5-Tube Fuel Assembly
N.A. Hanan, J.R. Liaw and J. E. Matos (ANL, USA) -
Prospects of WWR-SM Reactor LEU Conversion and Spent
Fuel Shipment Activity Status
A. Rakhmanov, B. Yuldashev, U. Salikhbaev (INPAS, Uzbekistan) - Core Configuration of the Syrian
Reduced Enrichment Fuel MNSR
M. Albarhoum (AEC, Syria) -
What the Difference to
Use LEU and HEU Fuel Elements Separately or Together
in a Research Reactor
Şadi Kaya, Gulsen Ustun (CNRTC, Turkey) -
Reactor Performance and Transformation to Low Enriched
J. Kysela, J. Ernest, M. Marek (NRIR, Czech Republic) -
Flux Enhancement Options for an LEU-Fueled MIT Reactor
Thomas H. Newton, Jr., Edward E. Pilat, and Mujid S. Kazimi (MIT, USA) -
Nuclear Facility of the National
Academy of Sciences on the Basis of Highly Enriched
S. Chigrinov, V. Bournos, I. Serafimovich, Yu. Fokov, C. Routkovskaia, N. Voropay , H. Kiyavitskaya (JIPNR-Sosny, Republic of Belarus) -
Accelerator-Driven Subcritical
Assembly: Concept Development and Analyses
Y. Gohar, J. Bailey, H. Belch, D. Naberezhnev, P. Strons, I. Bolshinsky (ANL, USA) -
Performance of
PARR-1 with LEU Fuel
S. Pervez, M. Latif, I.H. Bokhari and S.Bakhtyar (PINSTECH, Pakistan) - Monolithic Fuel and High-Flux Reactor
A. Glaser (Darmstadt University, Germany) -
Enrichment Program for FRM-II, Status 2004
A. Röhrmoser, W. Petry, K. Böning, N.Wieschalla (TUM, Germany)
Research Reactor Utilization: A
Justification for Existence?
Piani CSB (NECSA, Republic of South Africa) - Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Tools
for Fuel Assembly Analysis
P. L. Garner and T. Sofu (ANL, USA) -
Safety Analysis
of the WWR-M Reactor in Ukraine to Allow Operation
Using LEU Fuel
Y. P. Mahlers and A. G. Dyakov (KINR, Ukraine) -
Renewed Spirit of Y-12
D. Wall (NNSA, USA), M. Hassler, E. Parker (BWXT Y-12, USA) - Y-12 Product Improvements Expected to Reduce
Metal Production Costs and Decrease Fabrication Losses
M. Hassler, E. Parker (BWXT Y-12, USA) -
The Need to
Address the Larger Universe of HEU-Fuelled Reactors,
Including Critical Assemblies, Pulsed Reactors, and
Propulsion Reactors
F. N. von Hippel (Princeton University, USA) -
Technical Economical and Legal aspects of Repatriation
of Russian-Origin Research Reactor SNF to Russia
Smirnov A., Kanashov B., Efarov S. (R&D Company “Sosny”, Dimitrovgrad, Russia) Lebedev A., (TENEX, Moscow, Russia) Kolupaev D., (“Mayak” plant, Ozersk, Russia) -
Successful Completion of a Time Sensitive MTR and
TRIGA Indonesian Shipment
C. Anne, J. Patterson (NAC International, USA), C. Messick (DOE, USA) -
Logistics of the Research Rector
Fuel Cycle: AREVA Solutions
D. Ohayon, L. Halle, P. Naigeon, P. Auziere (COGEMA, France), J. Falgoux, F. Obadia (CERCA, France) -
Mobile Melt-Dilute Module for the Treatment of
Aluminum Research Reactor Spent Fuel
H. Peacock, D. Fisher, T. Adams, R. Sindelar, N. Iyer (SRNL, USA), D. Sell, K. Allen, E. Howden, B. Westphal (ANL, USA) - Managememnt of Spent Fuel from Reserch
Reactors - Brazilian Progress Report (Within the
Framework of the IAEA Regional Project RLA-4/018)
A. J. Soares, J. E. R. Silva, (IPEN - CNEN/SP, Brazil) - Extending the Foreign Spent Fuel Acceptance
Program: Policy and Implementation Issues
E. S. Lyman, (UCS, USA)
- Twenty-five Years Supporting RERTR Activities from
CNEA MTR Fuel Fabrication Plant (ECRI)
L. Alvarez, N. Boero, J. Fabro, M. Restelli, D. Podestá, G. Rossi (CNEA, Argentina) - Monte Carlo Neutron
Transport Simulation of the Ghana Research Reactor-1
S. Anim-Sampong*, B.T. Maakuu, E.H.K. Akaho (GAEC, Ghana) - An Indian Perspective for
Transportation and Storage of Spepnt Fuel
P.K. Dey (BARC, India) -
Prediction of Flow Instability
during Natural Convection
K. Farhadi (AEOI, Iran) - High Flux Reactor
Evolutions and Improvements
H. GUYON (ILL, France) -
Fuel Burnup Measurement of
Spent Fuel Using Gamma Spectroscopy Technique
C. Pereda, C. Henríquez, J. Klein and J. Medel (CCEN, Chile) - Conceptual Analysis of the Fuel Management
Strategy for the RA-3 Research Reactor at 10 MW
A. M. Lerner, M. Madariaga, R. Waldman (NRA, Argentina) - Photon Source and Shielding Studies
Related to the Spent Fuel Storage of the RA Reactor
M. Milošević (VINS, Serbia) -
CNEA Experiments to
Apply Friction Stir Welding to Encase U-Mo Foils in Al
P. Cabot, A. Moglioni, M. Mirandou, S. Balart (CNEA, Argentina) - A Neutronic Feasibility Study for
HEU-LEU Conversion of the Reactor PIK
Y. V. Petrov, A. N. Erykalov, M. S. Onegin (PNPI, Russia) - Set Up of
U-Mo Power Production by HMD Process
Enrique E. Pasqualini, Marisol López and Alfredo Gonzalez (CAC, Argentina) - Corrosion of Spent Nuclear Fuel Aluminum
Cladding in Ordinary Water
M. Pešić, T. Maksin, G. Jordanov, R. Dobrijević (VINS, Serbia) - The Metal and Concrete Cask for SNF and its
Radiation Protection Quality Control
N.D. Shchigolev, O.M. Golubev (PNPI, Russia) -
Specificity in the Licensing Process of Reduced
Enrichment in the Bulgarian Research Reactor
M. Vitkova, I. Gorinov (NRA, Bulgaria) -
Analysis of
Typical Transients in the Generic 10 MW IAEA MTR
Research Reactor by RELAP5/3.2
A. Bousbia-salah (UP, Italy), T. Hamidouche (CRNA, Algeria), F. D’Auria (UP, Italy)