Examples of LEU Conversion Analyses in the RERTR Program
An (A) after the title of a paper indicates that only the abstract is currently available. An (A,P) after the title indicates that both the abstract and the paper are available for downloading.
Analyses for Conversion of the Georgia Tech Research Reactor from HEU to LEU
Fuel (A,P)
J. E. Matos, S. C. Mo, and W. L. Woodruff
Proc. 1992 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research & Test Reactors, Roskilde, Denmark, October, 1992, ANL/RERTR/TM-19 (July 1993). - The
Whole-Core LEU U3Si2 Fuel Demonstration in the 30-MW Oak Ridge Research
Reactor (A,P)
M. M. Bretscher and J. L. Snelgrove
ANL/RERTR/TM-14 (July 1991) -
Status Report on the Conversion of the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center
Reactor (A,P)
A. Francis Dimeglio and E. F. Spring RINSC, USA
J. E. Matos, K. E. Freese, ANL, USA
Proc. 1990 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research & Test Reactors, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, September, 1990, ANL/RERTR/TM-18 (July 1993). -
Conversion Feasibility Study for the Grenoble High Flux Reactor (A,P)
S. C. Mo and J. E. Matos, ANL, USA
Proc. 1989 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research & Test Reactors, Berlin, Germany, September, 1990. - A
Neutronic Feasibility Study for LEU Conversion of the High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR)
R. B. Pond, N. A. Hanan and J.E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Proc. 1997 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research & Test Reactors, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, October, 1997, to be published. -
Neutronic Feasibility Study for LEU Conversion of the Brookhaven Medical
Research Reactor (A,P)
N.A. Hanan, R. B. Pond and J.E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Proc. 1997 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research & Test Reactors, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, October, 1997, to be published. -
Neutronic Feasibility Study for LEU Conversion of the High Flux Isotope
Reactor (HFIR) (A,P)
S. C. Mo and J. E. Matos, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Proc. 1997 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research & Test Reactors, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, October, 1997, to be published.