program phdose c PC Version c The code below has been compiled using a Pentium processor and a Lahey c compiler. It should work in most PC environments. c hand calculation of photon dose rate real (kind=8) dk(13),yield(13),cap(13),r(13),k(13),n0(13),n(13), x mrate(13) real (kind=8) f2d(3),mev(3),gsour(5),gflux(5),gdose(5),gheat(5) real (kind=8) ph(20),srate(20),drate(20) real (kind=8) ti,power,powden,td,kg,ppm,burnup,jmev,bpc real (kind=8) bu,time,dm,pflux,nflux,sums,sumd,self common r,n0,powden,kg,ppm,bu,time common /comdat/dk,cap c parameter order in data arrays: c material t(1/2) ph/dis groups* c #01 Sr-90 28.1y #01-#02 #1-#2 c #02 Y-90 2.67d #03-#05 #1-#3 c #03 Cs-133 c #04 Cs-134 2.06y #06-#07 #2-#3 c #05 Cs-137 30.1y #08-#09 #1-#2 c #06 Ba-137m 2.55m #10 #2 c #07 Ce-144 284.d #11 #1 c #08 Pr-144 17.3m #12-#14 #1-#3 c #09 Ru-106 1.01y c #10 Rh-106 29.9s #15-#17 #1-#3 c #11 Zr-95 65.5d #18 #2 c #12 Nb-95 35.1d #19 #2 c #13 Co-60 5.26y #20 #5 c *gps, MeV: #1=0.30, #2=0.63, #3=1.10, #4=sum #1-#3, #5=Co-60 (1.10) c fission product yield data yield/5.8d-2,0.d0,6.69d-2,0.d0,6.19d-2,0.d0,5.5d-2,0.d0, x 4.01d-3,0.d0,6.5d-2,2*0.d0/ c photons/disintegration data ph/4.69d-3,4.39d-6,4.94d-2,1.62d-2,2.48d-3,2.4d0,3.1d-2, x 1.01d-2,4.24d-5,1.05d0,1.0d-1,7.53d-2,4.32d-2,8.67d-3,1.53d-1, x 3.43d-1,5.2d-2,1.15d0,1.22d0,2.28d0/ c photon flux data pflux/7.692d-6/ c conversion: joule=wt-s per mev data jmev/1.60219d-13/ c conversion: becquerel per curie data bpc/3.7d10/ c mean photon energy, mev/ph data mev/0.3d0,0.63d0,1.1d0/ c fluence-to-dose factor, sv-cm**2 data f2d/1.56d-12,3.116d-12,4.928d-12/ c flux-to-dose conversion, rem/h do 105 i=1,3 105 f2d(i)=f2d(i)*3.6d5 10 format(7d10.5) 11 format(1x,1p6d12.5) open(5,file='phdose.ft5') open(6,file='phdose.ft6') c read input: irrad time (d); power (MW); pow den (MW/kgU-235); c decay time (y); asby mass (kg); Co-59 (ppm); U-235 burnup (%) c note: if ti=0, ti is calculated in the 'time' parameter below 100 read(5,10,ee(i)=0.0d0 103 gheat(i)=0.0d0 c in subroutines, calculate nflux in 10 steps bu=burnup/10.0d0 time=ti/10.0d0 c #1: sr-90 r(1)=3.121d16*yield(1)*power k(1)=dk(1) + cap(1)*nflux c n0(1)=r(1)/k(1)*(1.0d0 - dexp(-k(1)*ti)) call sr90 n(1)=n0(1)*dexp(-dk(1)*td) mrate(1)=dk(1)*n(1)/bpc srate(1)=dk(1)*n(1)*ph(1) srate(2)=dk(1)*n(1)*ph(2) drate(1)=f2d(1)*srate(1)*pflux drate(2)=f2d(2)*srate(2)*pflux gsour(1)=gsour(1) + srate(1) gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(2) gflux(1)=gflux(1) + srate(1)*pflux gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(2)*pflux gdose(1)=gdose(1) + drate(1) gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(2) c #2: y-90 k(2)=dk(2) + cap(2)*nflux n0(2)=dk(1)/k(2)*n0(1) if(k(2)*ti.le.4.605170186d1) n0(2)= x dk(1)*r(1)/k(1)*((1.0d0 - dexp(-k(2)*ti))/k(2) - x (dexp(-k(1)*ti) - dexp(-k(2)*ti))/(k(2)-k(1))) n(2)=dk(1)/dk(2)*n(1) if(dk(2)*td.le.4.605170186d1) n(2)= x dk(1)*n0(1)*(dexp(-dk(1)*td) - dexp(-dk(2)*td))/ x (dk(2) - dk(1)) + n0(2)*dexp(-dk(2)*td) mrate(2)=dk(2)*n(2)/bpc srate(3)=dk(2)*n(2)*ph(3) srate(4)=dk(2)*n(2)*ph(4) srate(5)=dk(2)*n(2)*ph(5) drate(3)=f2d(1)*srate(3)*pflux drate(4)=f2d(2)*srate(4)*pflux drate(5)=f2d(3)*srate(5)*pflux gsour(1)=gsour(1) + srate(3) gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(4) gsour(3)=gsour(3) + srate(5) gflux(1)=gflux(1) + srate(3)*pflux gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(4)*pflux gflux(3)=gflux(3) + srate(5)*pflux gdose(1)=gdose(1) + drate(3) gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(4) gdose(3)=gdose(3) + drate(5) c #3: cs-133 r(3)=3.121d16*yield(3)*power k(3)=dk(3) + cap(3)*nflux n0(3)=r(3)/k(3)*(1.0d0 - dexp(-k(3)*ti)) n(3)=n0(3)*dexp(-dk(3)*td) mrate(3)=dk(3)*n(3)/bpc c #4: cs-134 k(4)=dk(4) + cap(4)*nflux c n0(4)=r(3)*((1.0d0 - dexp(-k(4)*ti))/k(4) - c x (dexp(-k(3)*ti) - dexp(-k(4)*ti))/(k(4)-k(3))) call cs134 n(4)=n0(4)*dexp(-dk(4)*td) mrate(4)=dk(4)*n(4)/bpc srate(6)=dk(4)*n(4)*ph(6) srate(7)=dk(4)*n(4)*ph(7) drate(6)=f2d(2)*srate(6)*pflux drate(7)=f2d(3)*srate(7)*pflux gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(6) gsour(3)=gsour(3) + srate(7) gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(6)*pflux gflux(3)=gflux(3) + srate(7)*pflux gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(6) gdose(3)=gdose(3) + drate(7) c #5: cs-137 r(5)=3.121d16*yield(5)*power k(5)=dk(5) + cap(5)*nflux c n0(5)=r(5)/k(5)*(1.0d0 - dexp(-k(5)*ti)) call cs137 n(5)=n0(5)*dexp(-dk(5)*td) mrate(5)=dk(5)*n(5)/bpc srate(8)=dk(5)*n(5)*ph(8) srate(9)=dk(5)*n(5)*ph(9) drate(8)=f2d(1)*srate(8)*pflux drate(9)=f2d(2)*srate(9)*pflux gsour(1)=gsour(1) + srate(8) gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(9) gflux(1)=gflux(1) + srate(8)*pflux gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(9)*pflux gdose(1)=gdose(1) + drate(8) gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(9) c #6: ba-137m k(6)=dk(6) + cap(6)*nflux n0(6)=dk(5)/k(6)*n0(5) if(k(6)*ti.le.4.605170186d1) n0(6)= x dk(5)*r(5)/k(5)*((1.0d0 - dexp(-k(6)*ti))/k(6) - x (dexp(-k(5)*ti) - dexp(-k(6)*ti))/(k(6)-k(5))) n(6)=dk(5)/dk(6)*n(5) if(dk(6)*td.le.4.605170186d1) n(6)= x dk(5)*n0(5)*(dexp(-dk(5)*td) - dexp(-dk(6)*td))/ x (dk(6) - dk(5)) + n0(6)*dexp(-dk(6)*td) mrate(6)=dk(6)*n(6)/bpc srate(10)=dk(6)*n(6)*ph(10) drate(10)=f2d(2)*srate(10)*pflux gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(10) gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(10)*pflux gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(10) c #7: ce-144 r(7)=3.121d16*yield(7)*power k(7)=dk(7) + cap(7)*nflux c n0(7)=r(7)/k(7)*(1.0d0 - dexp(-k(7)*ti)) call ce144 n(7)=n0(7)*dexp(-dk(7)*td) mrate(7)=dk(7)*n(7)/bpc srate(11)=dk(7)*n(7)*ph(11) drate(11)=f2d(1)*srate(11)*pflux gsour(1)=gsour(1) + srate(11) gflux(1)=gflux(1) + srate(11)*pflux gdose(1)=gdose(1) + drate(11) c #8: pr-144 k(8)=dk(8) + cap(8)*nflux n0(8)=dk(7)/k(8)*n0(7) if(k(8)*ti.le.4.605170186d1) n0(8)= x dk(7)*r(7)/k(7)*((1.0d0 - dexp(-k(8)*ti))/k(8) - x (dexp(-k(7)*ti) - dexp(-k(8)*ti))/(k(8)-k(7))) n(8)=dk(7)/dk(8)*n(7) if(dk(8)*td.le.4.605170186d1) n(8)= x dk(7)*n0(7)*(dexp(-dk(7)*td) - dexp(-dk(8)*td))/ x (dk(8) - dk(7)) + n0(8)*dexp(-dk(8)*td) mrate(8)=dk(8)*n(8)/bpc srate(12)=dk(8)*n(8)*ph(12) srate(13)=dk(8)*n(8)*ph(13) srate(14)=dk(8)*n(8)*ph(14) drate(12)=f2d(1)*srate(12)*pflux drate(13)=f2d(2)*srate(13)*pflux drate(14)=f2d(3)*srate(14)*pflux gsour(1)=gsour(1) + srate(12) gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(13) gsour(3)=gsour(3) + srate(14) gflux(1)=gflux(1) + srate(12)*pflux gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(13)*pflux gflux(3)=gflux(3) + srate(14)*pflux gdose(1)=gdose(1) + drate(12) gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(13) gdose(3)=gdose(3) + drate(14) c #9: ru-106 r(9)=3.121d16*yield(9)*power k(9)=dk(9) + cap(9)*nflux c n0(9)=r(9)/k(9)*(1.0d0 - dexp(-k(9)*ti)) call ru106 n(9)=n0(9)*dexp(-dk(9)*td) mrate(9)=dk(9)*n(9)/bpc c #10: rh-106 k(10)=dk(10) + cap(10)*nflux n0(10)=dk(9)/k(10)*n0(9) if(k(10)*ti.le.4.605170186d1) n0(10)= x dk(9)*r(9)/k(9)*((1.0d0 - dexp(-k(10)*ti))/k(10) - x (dexp(-k(9)*ti) - dexp(-k(10)*ti))/(k(10)-k(9))) n(10)=dk(9)/dk(10)*n(9) if(dk(10)*td.le.4.605170186d1) n(10)= x dk(9)*n0(9)*(dexp(-dk(9)*td) - dexp(-dk(10)*td))/ x (dk(10) - dk(9)) + n0(10)*dexp(-dk(10)*td) mrate(10)=dk(10)*n(10)/bpc srate(15)=dk(10)*n(10)*ph(15) srate(16)=dk(10)*n(10)*ph(16) srate(17)=dk(10)*n(10)*ph(17) drate(15)=f2d(1)*srate(15)*pflux drate(16)=f2d(2)*srate(16)*pflux drate(17)=f2d(3)*srate(17)*pflux gsour(1)=gsour(1) + srate(15) gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(16) gsour(3)=gsour(3) + srate(17) gflux(1)=gflux(1) + srate(15)*pflux gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(16)*pflux gflux(3)=gflux(3) + srate(17)*pflux gdose(1)=gdose(1) + drate(15) gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(16) gdose(3)=gdose(3) + drate(17) c #11: zr-95 r(11)=3.121d16*yield(11)*power k(11)=dk(11) + cap(11)*nflux c n0(11)=r(11)/k(11)*(1.0d0 - dexp(-k(11)*ti)) call zr95 n(11)=n0(11)*dexp(-dk(11)*td) mrate(11)=dk(11)*n(11)/bpc srate(18)=dk(11)*n(11)*ph(18) drate(18)=f2d(2)*srate(18)*pflux gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(18) gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(18)*pflux gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(18) c #12: nb-95 k(12)=dk(12) + cap(12)*nflux n0(12)=dk(11)*r(11)/k(11)*((1.0d0 - dexp(-k(12)*ti))/k(12) - x (dexp(-k(11)*ti) - dexp(-k(12)*ti))/(k(12)-k(11))) n(12)=dk(11)*n0(11)*(dexp(-dk(11)*td) - dexp(-dk(12)*td))/ x (dk(12) - dk(11)) + n0(12)*dexp(-dk(12)*td) mrate(12)=dk(12)*n(12)/bpc srate(19)=dk(12)*n(12)*ph(19) drate(19)=f2d(2)*srate(19)*pflux gsour(2)=gsour(2) + srate(19) gflux(2)=gflux(2) + srate(19)*pflux gdose(2)=gdose(2) + drate(19) c #13: co-60 r(13)=1.197d10*kg*ppm*powden/dm k(13)=dk(13) + cap(13)*nflux c n0(13)=r(13)/k(13)*(1.0d0 - dexp(-k(13)*ti)) call co60 n(13)=n0(13)*dexp(-dk(13)*td) mrate(13)=dk(13)*n(13)/bpc srate(20)=dk(13)*n(13)*ph(20) drate(20)=f2d(3)*srate(20)*pflux gsour(5)=srate(20) gflux(5)=srate(20)*pflux gdose(5)=drate(20) gheat(5)=gsour(5)*mev(3)*jmev c sum fission product photon source and dose rates sums=0.0d0 sumd=0.0d0 do 102 i=1,19 sums=sums + srate(i) 102 sumd=sumd + drate(i) burnup=power/powden*1.0d3*burnup sums=sums/burnup sumd=sumd/burnup c mass of burned U-235 necessary for 100 rem/h dose rate self=1.0d2/sumd c write output: U-235 burned, g; c FP source, ph/s per gU-235 burned; Co-60 source, ph/s; c self-protected U-235 mass burned, g c FP dose, rem/h per gU-235 burned; Co-60 dose, rem/h write(6,21) 21 format(' output: U-235 burned (g), FP source (ph/s per g), Co-60 s 2ource (ph/s),'/5x,'self-pro U-235 mass (g), FP dose (rem/h per g), 3 Co-60 dose (rem/h)') write(6,11) burnup,sums,srate(20),self,sumd,drate(20) if(nskip.eq.0) go to 100 c formation rates, atoms/s write(6,31) 31 format(1x,'material formation rates, atoms/s') write(6,11) r c loss rates, atoms/s write(6,32) 32 format(1x,'material loss rates, atoms/s') write(6,11) k c atoms initially present, atoms (time=ti) write(6,33) 33 format(1x,'material n0, atoms (time=ti)') write(6,11) n0 c atoms currently present, atoms (time=td) write(6,34) 34 format(1x,'material n, atoms (time=td)') write(6,11) n c material disintegration rates, curies write(6,35) 35 format(1x,'material disintegration rates, curies') write(6,11) mrate c photon source rates, ph/s write(6,36) 36 format(1x,'material/group photon source rates, ph/s') write(6,11) srate c photon dose rates, rem/h write(6,37) 37 format(1x,'material/group photon dose rates, rem/h') write(6,11) drate c photon heat, wt; =ph/s*mev/ph*j/mev where j=wt-s do 104 i=1,3 gheat(i)=gsour(i)*mev(i)*jmev 104 gheat(4)=gheat(4) + gheat(i) write(6,41) 41 format(1x,'group photon heat, wt') write(6,11) gheat c photon flux, ph/cm**2-s; sum fission product photon fluxes do 107 i=1,3 107 gflux(4)=gflux(4) + gflux(i) write(6,42) 42 format(1x,'group photon flux, ph/cm**2-s') write(6,11) gflux c photon source rate, ph/s; sum fission product photon source do 106 i=1,3 106 gsour(4)=gsour(4) + gsour(i) write(6,43) 43 format(1x,'group photon source rate, ph/s') write(6,11) gsour c photon dose rate, rem/h; sum fission product photon dose do 108 i=1,3 108 gdose(4)=gdose(4) + gdose(i) write(6,44) 44 format(1x,'group photon dose rate, rem/h') write(6,11) gdose go to 100 999 stop end c block data real (kind=8) dk(13),cap(13) common /comdat/dk,cap c decay constant, s-1 data dk/7.816d-10,3.005d-6,0.d0,1.066d-8,7.297d-10,4.530d-3, x 2.821d-8,6.684d-4,2.174d-8,2.318d-2,1.225d-7,2.285d-7,4.176d-9/ c capture cross section, cm**2 data cap/1.028d-24,2.740d-24,103.2d-24,107.1d-24,0.1310d-24, x 0.d0,1.172d-24,0.d0,0.4550d-24,2*0.d0,3.563d-24,4.275d-24/ end c subroutine sr90 real (kind=8) dk(13),cap(13),r(13),n0(13) real (kind=8) powden,kg,ppm real (kind=8) bu,time,dm,nflux,t(10),c(10),n(10),k common r,n0,powden,kg,ppm,bu,time common /comdat/dk,cap do 101 i=1,10 t(i)=dfloat(i)*time dm=1.0d0-bu*(dfloat(i)-0.5d0) nflux=2.952d13*powden/dm k=dk(1) + cap(1)*nflux if(i.eq.1) c(1)=-r(1)/k if( c(i)=(n(i-1) - r(1)/k)*dexp(k*t(i-1)) 101 n(i)=r(1)/k + c(i)*dexp(-k*t(i)) c write(6,11) n 11 format(1x,1p6d12.5) n0(1)=n(10) return end c subroutine cs134 real (kind=8) dk(13),cap(13),r(13),n0(13) real (kind=8) powden,kg,ppm real (kind=8) bu,time,dm,nflux,t(10),c(10),n(10),k1,k2,del common r,n0,powden,kg,ppm,bu,time common /comdat/dk,cap do 101 i=1,10 t(i)=dfloat(i)*time dm=1.0d0-bu*(dfloat(i)-0.5d0) nflux=2.952d13*powden/dm k1=dk(3) + cap(3)*nflux k2=dk(4) + cap(4)*nflux del=k2-k1 if(i.eq.1) c(1)=r(3)*(-1.0d0/k2 + 1.0d0/del) if( c(i)=(n(i-1) - r(3)/k2)*dexp(k2*t(i-1)) + x r(3)/del*dexp(del*t(i-1)) 101 n(i)=r(3)*(1.0d0/k2 - dexp(-k1*t(i))/del) + c(i)*dexp(-k2*t(i)) c write(6,11) n 11 format(1x,1p6d12.5) n0(4)=n(10) return end c subroutine cs137 real (kind=8) dk(13),cap(13),r(13),n0(13) real (kind=8) powden,kg,ppm real (kind=8) bu,time,dm,nflux,t(10),c(10),n(10),k common r,n0,powden,kg,ppm,bu,time common /comdat/dk,cap do 101 i=1,10 t(i)=dfloat(i)*time dm=1.0d0-bu*(dfloat(i)-0.5d0) nflux=2.952d13*powden/dm k=dk(5) + cap(5)*nflux if(i.eq.1) c(1)=-r(5)/k if( c(i)=(n(i-1) - r(5)/k)*dnd=999) ti,power,powden,td,kg,ppm,burnup c burnup in percent burnup=1.0d-2*burnup c calculate irradiation time and average neutron flux time=burnup/(1.25d-3*powden) if(ti.eq.0.0d0) ti=time dm=1.0d0 - 0.5d0*burnup nflux=2.952d13*powden/dm c write input data plus nflux write(6,20) 20 format('0input: irrad time (d), power (MW), pow den (MW/kgU-235), 2decay time (y),'/5x,'asby mass (kg), Co-59 (ppm), U-235 burnup (%) 3, avg flux (n/cm**2-s)') write(6,11) ti,power,powden,td,kg,ppm,burnup*1.0d2,nflux c use ti as a flag for additional printout nskip=0 if( then ti=-ti nskip=1 endif c check if ti is consistent (<1%) with burnup and power density if(dabs(ti/time - 1.0d0).ge.1.0d-2) stop 101 c irradiation time (ti) in days and decay time (td) in years ti=ti*8.64d4 td=td*3.1536d7 c initialize arrays do 101 i=1,13 101 r(i)=0.0d0 do 103 i=1,5 gsour(i)=0.0d0 gflux(i)=0.0d0 gdosexp(k*t(i-1)) 101 n(i)=r(5)/k + c(i)*dexp(-k*t(i)) c write(6,11) n 11 format(1x,1p6d12.5) n0(5)=n(10) return end c subroutine ce144 real (kind=8) dk(13),cap(13),r(13),n0(13) real (kind=8) powden,kg,ppm real (kind=8) bu,time,dm,nflux,t(10),c(10),n(10),k common r,n0,powden,kg,ppm,bu,time common /comdat/dk,cap do 101 i=1,10 t(i)=dfloat(i)*time dm=1.0d0-bu*(dfloat(i)-0.5d0) nflux=2.952d13*powden/dm k=dk(7) + cap(7)*nflux if(i.eq.1) c(1)=-r(7)/k if( c(i)=(n(i-1) - r(7)/k)*dexp(k*t(i-1)) 101 n(i)=r(7)/k + c(i)*dexp(-k*t(i)) c write(6,11) n 11 format(1x,1p6d12.5) n0(7)=n(10) return end c subroutine ru106 real (kind=8) dk(13),cap(13),r(13),n0(13) real (kind=8) powden,kg,ppm real (kind=8) bu,time,dm,nflux,t(10),c(10),n(10),k common r,n0,powden,kg,ppm,bu,time common /comdat/dk,cap do 101 i=1,10 t(i)=dfloat(i)*time dm=1.0d0-bu*(dfloat(i)-0.5d0) nflux=2.952d13*powden/dm k=dk(9) + cap(9)*nflux if(i.eq.1) c(1)=-r(9)/k if( c(i)=(n(i-1) - r(9)/k)*dexp(k*t(i-1)) 101 n(i)=r(9)/k + c(i)*dexp(-k*t(i)) c write(6,11) n 11 format(1x,1p6d12.5) n0(9)=n(10) return end c subroutine zr95 real (kind=8) dk(13),cap(13),r(13),n0(13) real (kind=8) powden,kg,ppm real (kind=8) bu,time,dm,nflux,t(10),c(10),n(10),k common r,n0,powden,kg,ppm,bu,time common /comdat/dk,cap do 101 i=1,10 t(i)=dfloat(i)*time dm=1.0d0-bu*(dfloat(i)-0.5d0) nflux=2.952d13*powden/dm k=dk(11) + cap(11)*nflux if(i.eq.1) c(1)=-r(11)/k if( c(i)=(n(i-1) - r(11)/k)*dexp(k*t(i-1)) 101 n(i)=r(11)/k + c(i)*dexp(-k*t(i)) c write(6,11) n 11 format(1x,1p6d12.5) n0(11)=n(10) return end c subroutine co60 real (kind=8) dk(13),cap(13),r(13),n0(13) real (kind=8) powden,kg,ppm real (kind=8) bu,time,dm,nflux,t(10),c(10),n(10),k1,k2,r59 common r,n0,powden,kg,ppm,bu,time common /comdat/dk,cap do 101 i=1,10 t(i)=dfloat(i)*time dm=1.0d0-bu*(dfloat(i)-0.5d0) nflux=2.952d13*powden/dm k1= 39.67d-24*nflux k2=dk(13) + cap(13)*nflux r59=1.022d19*kg*ppm*k1 if(i.eq.1) c(1)=-r59/k2 if( c(i)=(n(i-1) - r59/k2)*dexp(k2*t(i-1)) 101 n(i)=r59/k2 + c(i)*dexp(-k2*t(i)) c write(6,11) n 11 format(1x,1p6d12.5) n0(13)=n(10) return end