Argonne National Laboratory
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
Nuclear Science and Engineering Division at Argonne
U.S. Department of Energy

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Foreign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel


Power, Initial Enrichments
No. Reactor Country Status MW Geometry Enr.1 Enr.2 Enr.3
O = Operational; S = Shutdown; PS = Planned to be Shutdown
  NORTH AMERICA              
Developed Countries              
1 NRU Canada O 125 Pin Cluster 93 - 20
2 NRX Canada S - Pin Cluster 93 - -
3 PTR Canada S - Plates 93 - -
4 MNR Canada O 2 Plates 93 - 20
5 Slowpoke-Alberta Canada O 0.02 Pin Bundle 93 - -
6 Slowpoke-Halifax Canada O 0.02 Pin Bundle 93 - -
7 Slowpoke-Montreal Canada O 0.02 Pin Bundle 93 - -
8 Slowpoke-Saskatchewan Canada O 0.02 Pin Bundle 93 - -
9 Slowpoke-Toronto Canada O 0.02 Pin Bundle 93 - -
10 Slowpoke-Kanata Canada S - Pin Bundle 93 - -
  NORTH AMERICA              
Developing Countries
11 Slowpoke Jamaica O 0.02 Pin Bundle 93 - -
12 Triga-Salazar Mexico O 1 Triga Rods 70 - 20
  SOUTH AMERICA              
Developing Countries
13 RA-3 Argentina O 3 Plates 90 - -
14 RA-6 Argentina O 0.5 Plates 90 - -
15 RA-0 Argentina O 0.01 Plates - - 20
16 IEA-R1 Brazil O 2 Plates 93 - 20
17 Argonauta Brazil O 0.2 Plates - - 20
18 Triga-Belo Horizonte Brazil O 0.1 Triga Rods - - 20
19 La Reina Chile O 5 Plates 80 - -
20 IAN-R1 Columbia O 0.03 Plates 90 - -
21 RP-10 Peru O 10 Plates - - 20
22 RU-1 Uruguay S - Plates - - 20
23 RV-1 Venezuela S - Plates - - 20
Developed Countries
24 ASTRA Austria O 10 Plates 93 45 20
25 Triga - Vienna Austria O 0.25 Triga Rods 70 - 20
26 SAR-GRAZ Austria O 0.01 Plates 90 - 20
27 BR-2 Belgium O 60 Tubes 93 90 -
28 BR-02 Belgium S - Tubes 90 - -
29 DR-3 Denmark O 10 Tubes 93 85 20
30 Triga-Helsinki Finland O 0.25 Triga Rods - - 20
31 OSIRIS France O 70 Plates - - 20
32 EOLE France O 0.01 Plates 93 - -
33 MINERVE France O 0.003 Plates 93 - -
34 SCARABEE France O 20 Plates 93 - -
35 Strasbourg-Cronenbourg France O 0.1 Plates 90 - -
36 Ulyssee-Saclay France O 0.1 Plates 90 - -
37 ORPHEE France O 14 Plates 93 - -
38 RHF France O 57 Involute Plates 93 - -
39 SILOE France PS 35 Plates 93 45 20
40 SILOETTE France PS 0.1 Plates 93 - -
41 MELUSINE France S - Plates 93 - -
42 FRG-1 Germany O 5 Plates 93 - 20
43 BER-II Germany O 10 Plates 93 - 20
44 FRJ-2 Germany O 23 Tubes 80 - 20
45 FRM Germany O 4 Plates 93 45 -
46 FMRB Germany PS 1 Plates 93 - -
47 FRG-2 Germany S 15 Plates 93 90 20
48 Triga-Hannover Germany PS - Triga Rods - - 20
49 Triga-Heidelberg Germany O 0.25 Triga Rods - - 20
50 Triga-Mainz Germany O 0.1 Triga Rods - - 20
51 GALILEO Italy S - Plates 89 - -
52 ISPRA-1 Italy S - Plates 90 - -
53 RANA Italy S - Plates 90 - 20
54 Triga-Pavia Italy O 0.25 Triga Rods - - 20
55 Triga-Rome Italy O 1 Triga Rods - - 20
56 HFR Petten Netherlands O 45 Plates 93 - 20
57 LFR Netherlands O 0.03 Plates 93 - -
58 HOR Netherlands O 2 Plates 93 - 20
59 JEN-1 (a) Spain S - Plates 79 - 20
60 R2 Sweden O 50 Plates 93 - 20
61 R2-0 Sweden O 1 Plates 90 - -
62 SAPHIR Switzerland S - Plates 93 45 20
63 UTR 300 (b) U K S 0.3 Plates 90 - -
64 Triga-Imp. Chem. Ind. U K PS 0.25 Triga Rods - - 20
Developing Countries
65 GRR-1 Greece O 5 Plates 93 - 20
66 RPI Portugal O 1 Plates 93 - 20
67 Triga-SSR Romania O 14 Triga Rods 93 - 20
68 Triga-ACPR Romania O 0.5 Triga Rods - - 20
69 Triga-Ljubljana Slovenia O 0.25 Triga Rods 70 - 20
70 TR-2 Turkey O 5 Plates 93 - 20
71 Triga-Istanbul Turkey O 0.25 Triga Rods - - 20
Developed Countries
72 HIFAR Australia O 10 Tubes 80 60 20
73 MOATA Australia S - Plates 90 - -
74 JMTR Japan O 50 Plates 93 45 20
75 JMTRC Japan O 0 Plates 93 45 -
76 JRR-4 Japan O 3.5 Plates 93 - 20
77 KUCA Japan O 0 Plates 93 45 -
78 KUR Japan O 5 Plates 93 - 20
79 UTR Kinki Japan O 0 Plates 90 - -
80 JRR-2 Japan PS 10 Plates 93 45 -
81 JRR-3M Japan O 20 Plates - - 20
82 TTR-1 Japan S 0.1 Plates - - 20
83 Triga-Mushashi Inst. Japan O 0.1 Triga Rods - - 20
84 Triga-NSRR-Tokai Japan O 0.3 Triga Rods - - 20
85 Triga-Rikkyo Univ. Japan O 0.1 Triga Rods - - 20
86 ZPRL Taiwan O 0.01 Plates 93 - 20
87 THOR Taiwan O 1 Triga Rods - - 20
S - Plates 93 - -
88 THAR Taiwan S - Plates - - 20
Developing Countries
89 Triga-Dhaka Bangladesh O 3 Triga Rods - - 20
90 RSG-GAS30 Indonesia O 30 Plates - - 20
91 Triga-Bandung Indonesia O 1 Triga Rods - - 20
92 Triga-Yogyakarta Indonesia O 0.1 Triga Rods - - 20
93 Triga-Kuala Lumpur Malaysia O 1 Triga Rods - - 20
94 PRR-1 Philippines O 3 Triga Rods - - 20
S - Plates 93 - 20
95 KMRR S. Korea O 30 Pin Cluster - - 20
96 Triga #1 - Seoul S. Korea S - Triga Rods - - 20
97 Triga #2 - Seoul S. Korea S - Triga Rods 70 - 20
98 TRR-1 Thailand O 2 Triga Rods - - 20
S - Plates 90 - -
  MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA              
  Developed Countries
99 IRR-1 Israel O 5 Plates 93 - 20
Developing Countries
100 NRCRR Iran O 5 Plates 93 - -
101 PARR Pakistan O 5 Plates 92 - -
102 SAFARI S. Africa O 20 Plates 93 - -
103 TRICO II Zaire O 1 Triga Rods - - 20
104 TRICO I Zaire S - Triga Rods - - 20

(a) Fuel is currently at Dounreay, Scotland.
(b) Reactor shutdown in 1995. Fuel reprocessed at Dounreay before June 1996.

Last Update: June 3, 1996
Name: J. E. Matos/RERTR Program

Dr. James E. Matos
Senior Physicist
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Ave., Bldg. 207
Argonne, IL 60439-4841 USA
Tel.: +1-630-252-6758
Fax: +1-630-252-5161

2016 RERTR Meeting

The 2016 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2016) will take place in Belgium. Stay tuned for further details.

2015 RERTR Meeting

The 2015 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2015) took place in Seoul, Korea on Oct. 11-14, 2015.
For more information visit RERTR-2015.

Useful Links


ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, RERTR Department
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on July 29, 2008 11:32 +0200